Pharmacentist corner Atlantic and New Jersey Avenues, East New York.- This city may justly boast of its many fine drugstores, and prominent among those of the better class are the pharmacies of Mr. A. F. Snelling, some of which have been in operation since 1878, although previously the proprietor was connected with the commerce of the city as a manufacturing chemist. These establishments enjoy a very high and well-deserved reputation, and the excellent manner in which they are managed is very creditable to Mr. Snelling. The principal store is at the corner of Atlantic and New Jersey avenues, brands stores being at Atlantic avenue and Madison street; East New York avenue, near Orient avenue; and one at Canarsie, on Conklin avenue, near the railroad, all of which are very attractive. The stores are filled with a well-selected line of drugs and chemicals of the purest and finest qualities, besides a general assortment of fancy and toilet articles, druggists' sundries, proprietary medicines of standard reputation, natural mineral waters, etc. Special attention is paid to the prescription department, the greatest care being exercised in the work and the best and most reliable drugs used. Mr. Snelling is a representative gentleman in this profession, a practical chemist of finished training, and is assisted by expert and courteous assistants. With Special Thanks to: Cathy Harrison Speciale Transcribed exclusively for the Brooklyn Genealogical Information Pages: Nancy E. Lutz Back To BUSINESS PROGRESS Main Back To BUSINESS Main Return to BROOKLYN Info Main Page