The publishers and compilers of this work did not undertake it without being duly impressed with the delicacy and importance of the task, and without being aware that they would, at the commencement, meet with much opposition from envious and interested sources, and from persons not comprehending its true objects and purposes. Persons who move in society with borrowed plumes, and others who assume high positions from fictitious capital and merely ostensible possessions, have felt alarm lest their real situations might be made apparent; while others have been causelessly apprehensive that in our biographical notices we might shadow forth circumstances and events in their lives not meet for the public eye. Far from the latter being the case, we have (and shall in future enlarged editions of this book) carefully abstain from inflicting a wound upon the feelings or casting a shade upon the reputation of anyone; whilst, if there be aught that will add lustre to the name or career of even the humbIest individual, we shall eagerly seize upon all facts that may present themselves to elevate the standing or give celebrity to the station of those who may be mentioned in these pages. We are conscious that in our initial effort many omissions, many errors, and the neglect of much interesting detail may, with truth, be ascribed to us ; but in a succeeding issue, (for which arrangements have already been made) these defects will not, we hope, appear. A consideration of the numerous obstacles we have had to contend with, together with our inexperience in matters pertaining to such a publication, will, we doubt not, entitle us to the indulgence and favor of those who might otherwise be disposed to criticise our labors with severity, and carp at the imperfections of our maiden production in this department of literature. We ean confidently state, however, that neither care, expense, nor labor has been spared to render the work as correct as possible, so far as regards the estimated wealth of the men and women of Brooklyn and Williamsburgh; and we shall be glad, in the next edition we contemplate, to correct any and all the mistakes we may have made. Of one thing we are certain ; that the statistical matter will compare to our advantage with that of a similar pamphlet published in New York, which has had an enormous sale, and obtained munificent pecuniary reward. Strange as it may appear, it is undoubtedly true that the great city of Brooklyn ;-its wealth, importance, and extent,-the opulence of its merchants and traders-and the exalted monetary standing of a 1arge body of its inhabitants, (of those who tenant its unpretending dwellings, as well as the occupants of its many palaces)-are scarcely known beyond its geographical limits. We hope to obtain for it, by the issue of this book, an acquisition of greater general importance than it has heretofoe possessed; and show, to adjacent as well as remote communities, its right and title to be regarded, in all that constitutes a city, as the sixth in greatness in the United States. On the cover, we give the number of inhabitants of this county as furnished by the last official census, and, also-from sources which may be relied upon-- the several amounts of assessments levied in each ward upon real and personal property, for the general expenses of the city, and the support of the Common Schoo1s. To the uninitiated in such matters, these statements will not be devoid of interest. who are residents of other places. The names of these individuaJs will be published in the next edition of this work, together with such particulars concerning them as may be deemed interesting, and shall fall legitimately within its province and purview. To any persons who will transmit to us information of the character contemplated, (addressed to J. Lomas, 45 Prince street,) we shall feel greatly obliged; but we shall not take cognizance of any communications from. anonymous sources, or any that are not post paid. Since our first announcement to issue this pamphlet, we have had hundreds of letters from individuals who have (for purposes best known to themselves) not given their names ; and all such have been thrown aside as undeserving of notice. We desire to state, also, that in our next edition, we shall embrace the names of all the wealthy persons of Flatbush, Bushwick, Gravesend, New Utrecht, Flatlands, Carnarsa, ana other portions of the county of Kings not already included in this copy. JOHN LOMAS ALFRED S. PEACE. Brooklyn, Feb. 1847. ** In the subjoined alphabetical lists, the publishers have given the aggregate amount or each individual's wealth-without separating the real from the personal estates. In subsequent editions whioh will appear, these distinctions will be marked. Return to RICH MEN & WOMEN 1847 Main Back To BUSINESS Main Return to BROOKLYN Info Main Page