A HAUNTED WOMAN She Believes She Sees The Ghost of Her Sweetheart _____________ An Entire Long Island Village Excited by Supposed Spiritual Visitations-- Strange Moaning Heard in Mount Olivet and Lutheran Cemeteries-- The Sequel to a Lover's Suicide

The residents of Maspeth, Middle Village, Fresh Pond and adjacent villages in Queens County, Long Island, have been in a high state of excitement during the past week. On Thursday afternoon while some women and girls were picking peas on the farm of Mr. W. H. RING, close to Mount Olivet Cemetery, on Newtown road, they heard cries of "O HO!" Thinking that it was some person in distress they left the pea patches and ran to the spot whence the sounds came. When they arrives at the brink of the little lake in Mount Olivet Cemetery, they distinctly heard the same "O HO," but failed to discover the author the peculiar sound. They did not return to the pea patch, but went direct to Mr. RING'S house and informed him of what occurred. Mr RING advised them to return to work and they refused, one old German lady saying : "Mine, you don't got me to vork mid dot place; I saw dose dings mit Shermany, and I know vot dey vos." Mr. Ring expostulated with the ladies, but in vain, and they all quit work. He then started for Fresh Pond to inform Henry BOSCH, the Town Constable. Mr. BOSCH had heard of the strange occurrence from his neighbors, some of whom saw the spook, as they call it. They described it as a man, about six feet high, well built and perfectly nude. Mr. RING, with about ten citizen's in place, started through the woods to catch the "naked man." As they approached Mount Olivet Cemetery they heard the "O ho's, " but they came from the direction of Lutheran Cemetery, about a mile distant. The men at once changed their course and started for Lutheran Cemetery. It was sundown when they reached the cemetery fence, and one of the party refused to go any further. "De'il a step further I'll go with you. My wife told me all about this an' I'm a fool for interfering. Its after sundown, and that's just the time them things come around the cemeteries. If you'd take a fool's advice you'd go home." "Why, what do you mean?" nervously asked the Constable. "I mane, sor, that it's a ghost! That's just what I mane, an' I'm going home." The men looked at one another, shook their heads and the constable said : "Well, I guess we had all better go home!" When they reached Constable BOSCH'S house, about nine o'clock that evening, they were met by a crowd of women and children, all of whom had heard the sepulchral "O ho's!" and many of whom had seen what they now believed to be a real ghost, traveling between Mount Olivet and Lutheran Cemeteries. Miss Barbara EMERINE of Fresh Pond was sure she saw something dressed in white. "I saw it too, " chimed in Mrs. SUTURPIN. "I knows vhat dem things vos in the old country. Fritz, come home." The constable invited the men into his home to make arrangements for the capture of the ghost later in the night. They had just entered the barroom inside when a woman rushed up to the door, shouting: "Tim DEVLIN, phere are you? O, Tim, hurry up! That things around the house an' the childer are all alone." Tim rushed out of the barroom, but not in time to save his wife, who feel in a swoon on the railroad platform. She was taken into the barroom and soon revived. When the poor woman came to she said: "O, Tim, I tould you many a time not to be around thim cemeteries after dark." After a time Mrs. McCORMICK was taken to her home, and found the "childer" all right. The men of the village, to the number of fifty, all armed with shotguns, led by Constable BOSCH, made a thorough search through the swamps and underbrush between Mount Olivet and Lutheran Cemeteries. About 12 o'clock on Friday night they heard the "O, ho's," and followed the sound to Mount Olivet Cemetery fence, where it seemed to have sunk into the earth. The brave men returned to their homes, scared, disheartened and disgusted. When the reported called on Constable BOSCH, yesterday afternoon, that officer was in bed, and the barkeeper directed him to Mrs. McCORMICK. Mrs. McCORMICK is a handsome, intelligent Irish woman, and told her version of the alleged ghost in a straight forward manner. "Yes, sor, I'm Mrs. Tim McCORMICK. What do you want wid me?" "Have you seen or heard anything of that ghost"-- "There now, hould on. It's meself that can tell you all about it. You see, before I married Tim in the ould country, I was Miss Nellie ALCOCK. I was keeping company with Mike KELLY, of Templemore, an' we were engaged to be married, an' we would have been, too, only Tim came along an' says, " Nell, I'm going to America, will you come wid me? Indeed, I will, says I, an' we got married. The week after I was married, poor Mike committed suicide; an' from that day until this, his ghost has haunted me. If you remember about three months ago, we lived up by Calvary Cemetery, an' we heard Mike. We moved out her, thinking, ov course, that he wouldn't find us, but the poor fellow follows me up/ I've had masses said for the pace of his poor soul, but it doesn't do me any good. He still follows me. If he keeps on, he'll drive me out o' my mind." John WINTERS, a gravedigger at mount Olivet, is positive that it is somebody's ghost. Mr. John DEAN, a stonecutter at the cemetery, saw something, but "'hought it was a man dresses in white and don't care to run after it." Constable BOSCH says he, "thinks its an insane person but its strange that they can't seem to catch up with it. The women and children, and a good many of the men, too, are scared to death." Back to GHOSTS Main Back to CEMETERY INDEX Back to BROOKLYN Page Main