THE GHOST BOBS UP AGAIN ______________ This Time the Mapleton Apparition Scares Some Laborers ______________ Its Fame Is Spreading and the Villagers Are Beginning to Take an Interest in the Specter-- People Who Say They Have Seen it Continue to Multiply- ______________
Mapleton's ghost must spend nearly all its spare time nowadays in dancing jigs from pure j oyousness of spirit, for people are beginning to take notice of it and hunt it and speculate about it. It scared a whole train full of people on the Sea Beach road about 1:30 o'clock last Friday morning, right at the spot where Margaret BURNING shot herself a week ago yesterday. The people who say they saw it were laughed at by a good many who didn't see it, but now they feel as though they have the laugh themselves, because others have seen it since. The following story is part of an article printed in the New York Sun to-day: True to its habits, the wraith appeared in about its accustomed haunts after midnight Saturday night, or more properly, Sunday morning. Saturday night the Sea Beach railway had a work train out in charge of Conductor HILGER and Engineer KIRK. A gang of laborers were along. This train was on a side track just below Mapleton, near Woodlawn, waiting for the 1:00 o'clock train from Coney Island to pass. The latter train was running in two sections to accommodate the crowd. After the first section of twelve cars had gone by, Mike CLOOCH, one of the laborers on the work train, emitted a blood curdling yell, pointed towards the woods, where the ghost had seen to retreat, and made for the locomotive. Everyone divined at once the cause of this fright. The other employees caught the alarm and general panic ensued. All that could find room, crowded in the engineers cab. They all demanded that KIRK should start up and take them away. They declared they wouldn't work, in the neighborhood, at night anymore. Kirk, in describing the affair, said: "They had me pretty well worked up myself, and while I didn't believe in ghosts, I was very glad when the second section of the train passed. I made short work of getting away from there, I tell you. If another work train is run at night, I'll find it convenient to be sick. No more spooky hours in a spooky place for me." HILGER, the conductor of the work train, declares that he saw the spector start up out of its favorite field and fly across the railroad track. This was after the first section of the train had passed. None of the employees on the second section of the train saw the ghost, so it seems not to have reappeared from the woods at once. Back to GHOSTS Main Back to CEMETERY INDEX Back to BROOKLYN Page Main