FUNERAL OF MARGARET BARNING ______________ The Mapleton Suicide Buried This Afternoon. ______________
The funeral of Margaret O. BURNING, the young woman who shot herself at Mapleton last Sunday, took place from the undertaking warerooms of Frank Henderson, corner of Myrtle avenue and Jay street, this afternoon. A hearse and four carriages drew up to the door shortly after 2 o'clock and the body, which was encased in a black stained coffin, was hurriedly placed in the hearse and the funeral cortege started for Jersey City, where the unfortunate woman was buried in the family plot. In the coaches were her brother's family and friends. On the coffin rested a floral pillow, with the inscription "Our Shopmate," sent by the employees of D. ALLEN & Sons, where the woman worked. During the morning and last night a large number of people, principally women, visited the warerooms to view the remains. Many of them had worked with the suicide and others called out of curiosity. No motive has yet been discovered for the suicide other than ill health. Back to GHOSTS Main Back to CEMETERY INDEX Back to BROOKLYN Page Main