St. John's R.C. College
Brooklyn Daily Union
27 June 1871

St. John's College, a Roman Catholic institution stands at the intersection
of Lewis and Willoughby avenues, in close proximity to the street cars on
Broadway, Myrtle avenues, DeKalb avenue, Gates avenue, Nostrand avenue and
Flushing avenue.

Premiums and Special Honors.

A gold medal for general improvement in various studies was awarded to:
James MORAN, the donor being Rev. John R. MC DONALD, pastor of the 
Church of the Immaculate Conception.  

Of the several prizes awarded in the different
classes a few of the most important are selected for mention, as space will
not permit the publication of the whole list.
Elementary class, 
premium in Christian doctrine, awarded to Miles KEHOE, 
for spelling to Fred RUSSELL.

First class: 
premium for Christian doctrine, to William MEADE, 
spelling to John CANAVALLO, 
arithmetic, to Chas. NICHOLS.  

Second class:
premium in Christian doctrine, awarded to Wm MOORE, 
spelling to Wm MOORE
composition to James BAINES.  

Third class: 
premium in Christian doctrine, awarded to James KIRWIN, 
arithmetic to Chas. YARROW,
Latin grammar, to William SMITH.  

Fourth class: 
premium in Christian doctrine to M. MC CABE 
arithmetic to William DUACK
rhetoric to M.O'REILLY, 
in the book "Virl Romac" to Thomas WARD.  
The premium in Latin composition (from Arnold's theme book) was awarded to M. Mc CABE, 
Virgil to Geo. FESER, 

book-keeping class; all the prizes in this class were awarded to M. O'REILLY.

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