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                          Listed by States

    The newspapers and periodicals known to have been published in the
United States during some part of the year 1790 number 103. This number
comprises those publications which are fully authenticated, and of which a
complete list follows. It is not to be doubted that there were a  a
considerable number of publications of which, after the lapse of more than a
century, all record has vanished. In 1790 the contents of newspapers were
chiefly advertisements, notices of auction sales, shipping news, short
clippings from papers in other states, letters from places in the West and
from the West India Islands, and extracts from European newspapers.Broad
jokes and anecdotes were scattered through the pages. Events of local
interest were seldomed published. Newspapers were usually distributed by
newsboys, or by postboys who made long trips through the rural districts on
horseback, performing other errands along their routes. Drivers of
stagecoaches sometimes received subscriptions for papers, and distributed
them on regular trips. Some of the newspapers published in 1790 have
survived to the present time; but most of those which are still published
are issued under names which have been partially or completely changed, and
some have been merged in other publications.

      " Newspapers and Periodicals published in 1790"


(1)    Portland:    Place of Publication
Title:     [The Cumberland Gazette]
            (Weekly)     Established:  Jan. 1, 1785
            Publisher:  Benjamin Titcomb and Thomas B.Wait.
            Publisher in 1790: Thomas B. Wait

Title:     [Gazette of Maine]
            (Weekly)     Established:  Oct. 1, 1790
            Publisher:  Benjamin Titcomb
            Publisher:  Benj. Titcomb
Remarks:  The Cumberland Gazette and the Gazette of Maine were consolidated
September 3, 1796; in existence in 1895.


(1)    Concord:    Place of Publication
   [The Concord Herald and Newhampshire Intelligencer]
            (Weekly)    Established: Jan. 6, 1790
            First Publisher:  George Hough
            Publisher in 1790:  George Hough
            Remarks:  Discontinued Oct. 30, 1805.

(2)    Dover:        Place of Publication
Title:     [ Political and Sentimental Repository, or Strafford Recorder]
            (Weekly)    Established:  July 15, 1790
            First Publisher:  Eliphalet Ladd
            Publisher in 1790:  Eliphalet Ladd
            Remarks:  Discontinued in 1829.

(3)    Exeter:         Place of Publication
 Title:    [New Hampshire Gazetteer]
            (Weekly)   Established:  Aug.-, 1789
            First Publisher:  Henry Ranlet
            Publisher in 1790:  Henry Ranlet
            Remarks:  Discontinued in 1797

(4)     Keene:        Place of Publication
Title:  [The New Hampshire Recorder and the Weekly Advertiser]
            (Weekly)  Established:  Aug.7, 1789
            First Publisher:  James D. Griffith
            Publisher in 1790:  James D. Griffith
            Remarks:  Discontinued in 1792

(5)     Portsmouth:   Place of Publication
Title:  [The New-Hampshire Gazette, and the General Advertiser]
             (Weekly)  Established:  Oct 7, 1756
             First Publisher:  Daniel Fowle
             Publisher in 1790:  John Melcher
Remarks:  Became weekly edition of Daily Chronicle in 1861. In existence in

Title:      [Osborne's New Hampshire Spy]
             (Semiweekly)  Established:  Oct. 24, 1786
             First Publisher:  Geo. Jerry Osborne
             Publisher in 1790: Geo Jerry Osborne
             Remarks:  Discontinued in 1793


    Bennington:    Place of Publication
Title:        [The Vermont Gazette]
             (Weekly)  Established:  June 5, 1783
             Publishers: Anthony Haswell and David Russell
             Publishers in 1790:  same as above
             Remarks:  In existence in 1879

    Windsor:      Place of Publication
Title:  [Vermont Journal and Universal Advertiser]
             (Weekly)  Established:  Aug. 7, 1783
             Publishers: George Hough and Alden Spooner
             Publishers in 1790:  same as above
             Remarks:  Vermont Journal in 1900

(1)  Danbury:            Place of Publication
Title:        [The Farmer's Journal]
            (Weekly)    Established:  Mar. 18, 1790
            Publishers:  Nathan Douglas and Edwards Ely
            Publisher in 1790:    same as above
            Remarks: Republican Farmer (Bridgeport) in 1900

(2)  Hartford:            Place of Publication
Title: [The Connecticut Courant and Weekly Intelligencer]
             (Weekly)    Established:  Oct. 29, 1764
             First Publisher:      Thomas Green
             Publisher in 1790: Barzillai Hudson and Geo.
             Remarks:  In existence in 1900

Title:      [The American Mercury]
              (Weekly)    Established:  July 12, 1784
              First Publisher:  Joel Barlow and Elisha Babcock
              Publisher in 1790:       Elisha Babcock
              Remarks:  Merged in the Independent Press in

(3)  Litchfield:          Place of Publication
Title:  [The Weekly Monitor; and American Advertiser]
              (Weekly)    Established:  Dec. 21, 1784
              First Publisher:  Thomas Collier and Copp
              Publisher in 1790:    Thomas Collier
              Remarks:  Discontinued in 1806

(4)  Middletown:         Place of Publication
Title: [Middlesex Gazette or Federal Adviser]
              (Weekly)    Established:  Nov. 8, 1785
              First Publisher:  Woodward and Green
              Publisher in 1790:     Moses H. Woodward
              Remarks:   Discontinued in May, 1834

(5)  New Haven:          Place of Publication
Title:           [Connecticut Journal]
               (Weekly)    Established:  Oct. 23, 1767
               First Publisher:  Thomas and Samuel Green
               Publisher in 1790:       same as above
               Remarks:  Connecticut Herald and Weekly
                                Journal in 1900.

Title:              [The New Haven Gazette]
               (Weekly)    Established:  Jan. 5, 1790.
               First Publisher:        not mentioned
               Publisher in 1790:       not mentioned
               Remarks:    Discontinued June 29, 1791.

(6)  New London:          Place of Publication
Title:                 [ Connecticut Gazette ]
                (Weekly)     Established:  Aug. 8, 1758
                First Publisher:   Timothy Green
                Publisher in 1790:   Timothy Green
                Remarks:    Discontinued in 1844

(7)  Norwich:                  Place of Publication
Title:      [ The Norwich Packet and the Connecticut,
                Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode
                Island Weekly Advertiser]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  Dec. 16, 1773
                 Publishers:  Alexander Robertson & James
                                   Robertson and John Trumbull
                 Publisher in 1790:        John Trumbull
                 Remarks:      Discontinued in 1804


(1)   Wilmington:            Place of Publication
Title:              [Wilmington Gazette]
               (Weekly)    Established:  - -, 1784
               First Publisher:        not mentioned
               Publisher in 1790:     not mentioned
               Remarks:     In existence in 1880

Title:             [The Delaware Gazette]
               (Weekly)    Established:  Mar.--, 1785
               Publishers: Peter Brynberg and Samuel Andrews
               Publisher in 1790:   same as above
               Remarks:    In existence in 1894.


(1)  Augusta:               Place of Publication
Title: [The Augusta Chronicle and Gazette of the State]
                (Weekly)    Established:  Oct. 2, 1786
                First Publisher:   John E. Smith
                Publisher in 1790:    John E. Smith
                Remarks:    In existence in 1900

(2)  Savannah:            Place of Publication
Title:                  [Georgia Gazette]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  Apr.17, 1763
                 First Publisher:     James Johnston
                 Publisher in 1790: James and Nicholas
                 Remarks:      Discontinued in 1802


(1)  Lexington:            Place of Publication
Title:                 [Kentucke Gazette]
                (Weekly)    Established:   Aug. 11, 1787
                First Publisher:   John Bradford
                Publisher in 1790:      John Bradford
                Remarks:     Discontinued in 1848

(1)  Annapolis:           Place of Publication
Title:          [ Maryland Gazette ]
            (Weekly)    Established:   Jan. 17, 1745
            First Publisher:         Jonas Green
            Publisher in 1790:  Frederick and Samuel Green
            Remarks:  Discontinued in 1839

(2)  Baltimore:           Place of Publication
Title:   [The Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser]
            (Semiweekly)    Established:  Aug. 20, 1773
            First Publisher:      William Goddard
            Publisher in 1790:   Wm. Goddard
                                           James Angell
            Remarks:   Baltimore American in 1900

Title:  [The Maryland Gazette; or the Baltimore Advertiser]
             (Semiweekly)    Established:  May 16, 1783
             First Publisher:        John Hayes
             Publisher in 1790:            John Hayes
             Remarks:      In existence in 1791.

(3)  Easton:              Place of Publication
Title:   [Maryland Herald and Eastern Shore Intelligencer]
             (Weekly)    Established:   May 16, 1790.
             First Publisher:         James Cowan
             Publisher in 1790:      James Cowan
             Remarks:     In existence in 1804.

(4)  Frederick:          Place of Publication
Title: [The Maryland Chronicle and the Universal 
             (Weekly)    Established:      Jan. 4, 1786.
             First Publisher:      Matthias Bartgis
             Publisher in 1790:  Matthias Bartgis
             Remarks:   In existence in 1824.

Title:  [The Maryland Gazette and Frederick Weekly 
             (Weekly)    Established:      Mar. 1, 1790.
             First Publisher:   John Winter
             Publisher in 1790:      John Winter
             Remarks:   In existence in 1791.

(5)  Georgetown:   (now in the District of Columbia)
Title:       [The Times and the Patowmack Packet]
             (Weekly)    Established:   Feb.-, 1789
             First Publisher:   Charles Fierer
             Publisher in 1790: Charles Fierer 
                                         Thos. N. Fosdick
             Remarks:    In existence in 1791.

Title:            [Georgetown Weekly Ledger]
              (Weekly)    Established:  Mar.-, 1790
              First Publisher:      Day and Hancock
              Publisher in 1790:  Day and Hancock
              Remarks:   In existence in 1793.

(6)  Hagerstown:         Place of Publication
Title:                 [Washington Spy]
              (Weekly)    Established:  Jan. 1, 1790
              First Publisher:     Stewart Herbert
              Publisher in 1790:   Stewart Herbert
              Remarks:     In existence in 1797    


(1)    Boston:    Place of Publication
Title:  [ The Boston Gazette and the Country Journal]
            (Weekly)    Established:  Apr. 7, 1755
            Publishers:  Benjamin Edes and John Gill
            Publisher in 1790:  Benj. Edes and Benj. Edes, jr.
            Remarks:  Discontinued Sept. 17, 1798.

Title: [Independent Chronicle and the Universal   
         (Weekly)    Established:  Aug. 2, 1768
         Publisher:  Samuel Hall
         Publisher in 1790:  Thomas Adams
   Remarks:   Merged in Boston Daily Advertiser in 1831.

Title: [American Herald: and The Washington Gazette]
         (Weekly)    Established:  Oct. 27, 1781
         First Publisher:  Edward E. Powars
         Publisher in 1790:  Edward E. Powars
Remarks: Probably consolidated with the Herald of   
               Freedom in 1791 or 1792.

Title:       [The Columbian Centinel]
          (Semiweekly)  Established:  Mar.24, 1784.
          Publishers: William Warden and Benjamin Russell
          Publisher in 1790:  Benjamin Russell
Remarks:  Merged in Boston Daily Advertiser, 
                May 1, 1840.

Title: [The Gentlemen and Ladies'Town and Country 
          (Monthly)     Established:  May, 1784
           First Publishers:  Job Weeden and William Barrett
           Publisher in 1790:   Nathaniel Coverley
           Remarks:  Discontinued in December, 1790.

Title:         [ The Herald of Freedom]
           (Semiweekly)    Established:  Sept. 15, 1788
           First Publishers:  Edmund Freeman and Loring
           Publisher in 1790:       Edmund Freeman
           Remarks:   In existence June 28, 1793.

Title: [The Massachusetts Magazine, or Monthly Museum]
            (Monthly)    Established:  Jan.--, 1789
            First Publishers:  Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. 
            Publisher in 1790:    same as above
            Remarks:  Discontinued in December, 1796.

(2)   Newburyport:     Place of Publication
Title:  [The Essex Journal and New Hampshire Packet]
            (Weekly)    Established:  Dec. 1, 1773
            Publishers: Isaiah Thomas and Henry W. Tinges
            Publisher in 1790:  John Mycall
Remarks:  Became the Morning Star in April, 1794.      
                Discontinued before 1800.

(3)   Northhampton:     Place of  Publication
Title:         [The Hampshire Gazette]
             (Weekly)    Established:  Sept. 6, 1786.
             First Publisher:  William Butler
             Publisher in 1790:   William Butler
             Remarks:  Berkshire County Eagle in 1900.

(4)   Pittsfield:           Place of Publication
Title:[Berkshire Chronicle and Massachusetts Intelligencer]
             (Weekly)    Established:  May 8, 1788
             First Publisher:   Roger Storrs
             Publisher in 1790:   Roger Storrs
             Remarks:  In existence in 1900.

(5)   Salem:               Place of Publication
Title:        [The Salem Gazette)
              (Weekly)    Established:  Oct. 14, 1786
               First Publishers: John Dabney and Thomas C. 
               Publisher in 1790:   Thomas C. Cushing
               Remarks:   In existence in 1895.

(6)  Springfield:         Place of Publication
Title:      [The Hampshire Chronicle]
               (Weekly)    Established:  Mar. 1, 1787
               First Publisher:   Zephaniah Webster
               Publisher in 1790:  Ezra Waldo Weld
               Remarks:  In existence in 1795

(7)  Stockbridge:       Place of Publication
Title:      [ The Western Star]
               (Weekly)      Established:  Nov.--, 1789
               First Publisher:  Loring Andrews
               Publisher in 1790:  Loring Andrews
               Remarks:  In existence in 1898

(8)  Worcester:         Place of Publication
Title:       [Thomas's Massachusetts Spy; or
               The Worcester Gazette]
               (Weekly)     Established:  July 17, 1770
               First Publisher:  Isaiah Thomas
               Publisher in 1790:  Isaiah Thomas
               Remarks: The Massachusetts Spy in 1900.


(1)   New Brunswick:     Place of Publication
Title:             [The Brunswick Gazette]
                (Weekly)    Established:  Sept.-, 1786.
                First Publisher:   Shelly Arnett
                Publisher in 1790:  Abraham Blauvelt
                Remarks:    In existence in 1816.

(2)   Elizabethtown:       Place of Publication
Title:    [New Jersey Journal, and Political Intelligencer]
                (Weekly)    Established:  -- -, 1779
                First Publisher:      Shepard Kollock
                Publisher in 1790:    Shepard Kollock
                Remarks:     Elizabeth Daily Journal in 1900.

Title:  [The Christian's, scholar's, and farmer's magazine]
                (Bimonthly)    Established:  Apr.-1789
                First Publisher:      Shepard Kollock
                Publisher in 1790:   Shepard Kollock
                Remarks:     Discontinued in March, 1791.


(1)   Albany:              Place of Publication
Title:                 [The Albany Gazette]
                 (Semiweekly) Weekly in 1792
                  Established:  May 28, 1784
                  First Publisher:    Charles R. Webster
                  Publisher in 1790:    Charles R. Webster
                  Remarks:    Discontinued Apr. 14, 1845.

Title:           [The Albany Register]
                 Established:     - -, 1788
                 First Publisher:    Robert Barber
                 Publisher in 1790:  John and Robert Barber
                 Remarks:     Merged in New York Standard

(2)   Goshen:                Place of Publication
Title:            [The Goshen Repository]
                 Established:    - -, 1788
                 First Publisher:   David Mandeville
                 Publisher in 1790:     Not mentioned
                 Remarks:   Discontinued in 1804

(3)   Hudson:             Place of Publication
Title:              [Hudson Gazette]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  Apr. 7, 1785
                 First Publishers:  Charles R. Webster 
                                           Ashbel Stoddard
                 Publisher in 1790:      same as above
                 Remarks:   In existence in 1900.

(4)   Lansingburg:       Place of Publication
Title:                      [Federal Herald]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  May 5, 1788
                 First Publishers:  Babcock and Hickok
                 Publisher in 1790:     same as above
                 Remarks:  In existence in 1890.

(5)   New York:         Place of Publication
Title:    [The New York Journal and Patriotic Register]
                 (Semiweekly)    Established:  May 29, 1766
                 First Publisher:   John Holt
                 Publisher in 1790:     Thomas Greenleaf
                 Remarks:  Discontinued in 1810.

Title:  [The Argus, or Greenleaf's New Daily Advertiser]
                  (Daily)    Established:  May 29, 1766
                  First Publisher:     John Holt
                  Publisher in 1790:        Thomas Greenleaf
                 Remarks:    Discontinued in November, 1810.

Title:                   [New York Packet]
                  (Semiweekly)    Established:  Jan. 4, 1776
                  First Publisher:  Samuel Loudon
                  Publisher in 1790:    Samuel Loudon
                  Remarks:   In existence in 1835.

Title:                   [The Daily Advertiser]
                   (Daily)    Established:  Mar. 1, 1785
                   First Publisher:    Francis Childs
                   Publisher in 1790:  Philip Freneau
                   Remarks:    Merged in Express in 1836.

Title:            [The New York Daily Gazette]
                   (Daily)   Established:    Dec. 29, 1788
                   First Publisher:   John and Archibald M'Lean
                   Publisher in 1790:      Archibald M'Lean
                   Remarks:    In existence in 1828.

Title:                [Gazette of the United States]
                 Removed to Philadelphia Oct. 13, 1790
                   (Semiweekly)    Established:  Apr. 15, 1789
                   First Publisher:  John Fenno
                   Publisher in 1790:       John Fenno
                   Remarks:  Merged in North American in 

Title:                   [New York Magazine]
                  (Monthly)    Established:   Jan., 1790
                  First Publisher:  Thomas and James Swords
                  Publisher in 1790:    same as above
                  Remarks:  Discontinued in 1797.

Title:                      [Weekly Museum]
                 (Weekly)     Established:  not mentioned
                 First Publisher:   not mentioned
                 Publisher in 1790:      not mentioned
                 Remarks:     In existence in 1816.

(6)  Poughkeepsie:            Place of Publication
Title:                  [Poughkeepsie Journal]
                    Established in New York City
                 (Weekly)    Established:  --, 1734
                 First Publisher:     John Holt
                 Publisher in 1790:    Nicholas Power
                 Remarks:  United with Poughkeepsie Eagle in 
                                  1814. In existence in 1850.

(1)  Fayetteville:         Place of Publication
Title: [The Fayetteville Chronicle or North Carolina 
                  Established:     not mentioned
                  First Publisher:     not mentioned
                  Publisher in 1790:   not mentioned
                  Remarks:   In existence in 1790


(1)   Carlisle:                Place of Publication
Title: [The Carlisle Gazette, & the Western Repository of
            (Weekly)    Established:  Aug. 10, 1785
            First Publisher:  Kline and Reynolds
            Publisher in 1790:       Kline and Reynolds
            Remarks:    In existence June 9, 1790.

(2)   Chambersburg:         Place of Publication
Title: [Western Advertiser and Chambersburg Weekly]
            (Weekly)    Established:  June-, 1790.
            First Publisher:      William Davison
            Publisher in 1790:    William Davison
            Remarks:      Franklin Repository ion 1900.

(3)   Germantown:           Place of Publication
Title:            [Die Germantauner Zeitung]
             (Weekly)    Established:   Aug. 20, 1739
             First Publisher:      Christopher Saur
             Publisher in 1790:      Michael Billmeyer
             Remarks:;     Discontinued in 1809

(4)   Harrisburg:         Place of Publication
Title:                   [The Oracle of Dauphin]
              (Weekly)    Established:    - -, 1789.
              First Publisher:      T. Roberts and Co.
              Publisher in 1790:        T. Roberts and Co.
              Remarks:   Discontinued about 1832.

(5)   Lancaster:              Place of Publication
Title:  [ Neue Unpartheyische Lancaster Zeitung und
              (Weekly)    Established:  Aug. 8, 1787
              Publishers: Stiemer, Albrecht and Lahn
              Publisher in 1790:    Johann Albrecht & Co.
              Remarks:     Discontinued in 1794

(6)   Philadelphia:  (See also Gazette of the U.S., which
                             was published in New York City until
                             Oct. 13, 1790, when it was removed
                             to Philadelphia.
Title:                [The Pennsylvania Gazette]
               (Weekly)    Established:  Dec. 24, 1728
               First Publisher:      Samuel Keimer
               Publisher in 1790:  David Hall
                                            William Sellers
               Remarks:  Became Saturday Evening Post in
                               1821. In existence in 1900.

Title:   [The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser]
               (Semiweekly)    Established:  Dec. 2, 1742.
                First Publisher:   William Bradford
                Publisher in 1790: William and Thos Bradford
                Remarks:     Discontinued in 1797.

Title:   [The Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser]
                (Daily)    Established:  Oct. 28, 1771.
                First Publisher:        John Dunlap
                Publisher in 1790:   John Dunlap
                                              David C. Claypoole
                Remarks:   Merged in the North American in
                                 1840.  In existence in 1900.

Title:                [The Arminian Magazine)
                 (Monthly)    Established:  Jan. -, 1778
                  First Publisher:  Pritchard and Hall
                  Publisher in 1790:      not mentioned
                  Remarks:    In existence in 1790.

Title:  [The Freeman's Journal, or the North American
                  (Weekly)    Established:   Apr. 25, 1781
                  First Publisher:     Francis Bailey
                  Publisher in 1790:      Francis Bailey
                  Remarks:      Discontinued in 1792.

Title:  [Gemeinnutzige Philadelphische Correspondenz]
                  (Weekly)    Established:    May 21, 1781
                  First Publisher:   Melchior Steiner
                  Publisher in 1790:    Melchior Steiner
                  Remarks:       Discontinued in 1810.

Title:       [Independent Gazetteer, or the Cronicle of
                  (Daily)    Established:      Apr. 13, 1782
                  First Publisher:   Eleazer Oswald
                  Publisher in 1790:      Eleazer Oswald
                  Remarks:       Discontinued in 1799.

Title:[Pennsylvania Mercury and The Universal Advertiser]
                 (Weekly)    Established:       Aug. 20, 1784.
                 First Publisher:    Daniel Humphreys
                 Publisher in 1790:;     Daniel Humphreys
                 Remarks:       not mentioned

Title:      [Universal Asylum and Columbian Magazine]
                 (Monthly)    Established:  Sept.-, 1786.
                 Publishers:      Matthew Carey, T. Siddons
                                       C. Talbot, W. Spotswood,
                                       J. Trenchard.
                 Publisher in 1790:   not mentioned
                 Remarks:    Discontinued in December, 1792.

Title:    [The American Museum; or Universal Magazine]
                 (Monthly)    Established:   Jan. -, 1787
                 First Publisher:     Matthew Carey
                 Publisher in 1790:;     Matthew Carey
                 Remarks:  Discontinued Dec. 31, 1792

Title:    [The Federal Gazette and Philadelphia Daily
                 (Daily)    Established:      Mar. 8, 1788
                 First Publisher:     Andrew Brown
                 Publisher in 1790:       Andrew Brown
                 Remarks:   Merged in North American in

Title:   [Der General-Postbothe an die Deutsche Nation]
                 (Semiweekly)    Established:  Nov. 27, 1789
                 First Publisher:   Melchior Steiner
                 Publisher in 1790:     Melchior Steiner
                 Remarks:   Discontinued about July, 1790.

Title:          [Die Chesnuthiller Wochenschrift]
                 (Weekly)    Established:   Oct. 8, 1790
                 First Publisher:     Samuel Sauer
                 Publisher in 1790:    Samuel Sauer
                 Remarks:   In existence in 1794.

Title: [The General Advertiser and Political, Commercial,
          Agricultural and Literary Journal]
                 (Daily)    Established:   Oct.-, 1790.
                 First Publisher:     Benjamin Franklin Bache
                 Publisher in 1790:     same as above
                 Remarks:   Merged in Pennsylvania Gazette in

Title:              [Farmers' Weekly Museum]
                  (Weekly)    Established:  - -, 1790.
                  First Publisher:    not mentioned
                  Publisher in 1790:    not mentioned
                  Remarks:  In existence in 1790.

(7)   Pittsburg:           Place of Publication:
Title:                        [Pittsburg Gazette]
                  (Weekly)    Established:  July 29, 1786.
                  First Publisher:   John Scull and Joseph Hall
                  Publisher in 1790:         not mentioned
                  Remarks:  Commercial Gazette in 1900.

(8)  Reading:               Place of Publication
Title:     [Neue Unpartheyische Readinger Zeitung und
                   (Weekly)    Established:  Feb. 18, 1789.
                   Publishers:  Johnson, Barton, and Jungmann
                   Publisher in 1790:  Barton and Jungmann
                   Remarks:  Discontinued in 1816.

(9)  York:                   Place of Publication
Title:  [Pennsylvania Herald and York General Advertiser]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  Jan. 7, 1789.
                   Publishers:  James Edie, John Edie,
                                     Henry Wilcocks.
                   Publisher in 1790:      same as above
                   Remarks:     In existence in 1799.


(1)  Newport:                Place of Publication
Title:                    [The Newport Mercury]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  Sept.-, 1758.
                   First Publisher:   James Franklin, Jr.
                   Publisher in 1790:  Henry Barber
                   Remarks:     In existence in 1900.

Title:                   [Newport Herald]
                    (Weekly)    Established:  Mar. 1, 1787.
                    First Publisher:  Peter Edes
                    Publisher in 1790:    Peter Edes
                    Remarks:        Discontinued in 1791.

(2)   Providence:               Place of Publication
Title:      [The Providence Gazette and Country Journal]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  Oct. 20, 1762.
                    First Publisher:   William Goddard
                    Publisher in 1790:  John Carter
                    Remarks:  Merged in Rhode Island American
                                     in October, 1825.

Title:                       [United States Chronicle]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  Jan. 1, 1784.
                   First Publisher:   Bennett Wheeler
                   Publisher in 1790:  Bennett Wheeler
                   Remarks:  Discontinued in 1802.


(1)   Charleston:             Place of Publication
Title:          [The State Gazette of South Carolina]
                  (Semiweekly)    Established:  Apr.-, 1777.
                  First Publisher:    Peter Timothy
                  Publisher in 1790:  Ann S. Timothy
                  Remarks:  Discontinued in 1800.

Title:        [The City Gazette or Daily Advertiser]
                  (Daily)    Established:  Mar.-, 1783.
                  First Publisher:  John Miller
                  Publisher in 1790:  Markland and M'Iver
                  Remarks:  In existence in 1817.


(1)  Fredericksburg:        Place of Publication
Title:  [The Virginia Herald and Fredericksburg Advertiser]
                  (Weekly)    Established:  - -, 1787.
                  First Publisher:  Timothy Green
                  Publisher in 1790.  Timothy Green
                  Remarks:  In existence in 1836.

(2)   Martinsburg:         Place of Publication
Title: [Potomak Guardian and Berkeley Advertiser]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  Nov.-, 1790.
                 First Publisher:   Nathaniel Willis
                 Publisher in 1790:     Nathaniel Willis
                 Remarks:   In existence in 1896.

(3)   Norfolk:              Place of Publication
Title:     [The Norfolk and Portsmouth Chronicle]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  Aug. 29, 1789.
                 First Publisher:  Prentis and Baxter
                 Publisher in 1790:  Prentis and Baxter
                 Remarks:  In existence in 1793.

(4)   Petersburg:         Place of Publication
Title:  [The Virginia Gazette and Petersburg Intelligencer]
                 (Weekly)    Established:  July -, 1786.
                 First Publisher:  Miles Hunter & William
                 Publisher in 1790:     William Prentis
                 Remarks:  In existence in 1800.

(5)   Richmond:           Place of Publication
Title:     [Virginia Gazette and Independent Chronicle]
                 Established at Williamsburg
                  (Weekly)    Established:  Aug. 6, 1736.
                  First Publisher:  William Parks
                  Publisher in 1790:   John Dixon
                  Remarks:  In existence in 1793.

Title:    [The Virginia Gazette and Weekly Advertiser]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  - -, 1782.
                   First Publisher:    Thomas Nicolson
                                              William Prentiss
                   Publisher in 1790:     Thomas Nicolson
                   Remarks:  In existence in 1793.

Title:  [The Virginia Independent Chronicle and General
                   (Weekly)    Established:  - -, 1786.
                   First Publisher:   Augustine Davis
                   Publisher in 1790:   Augustine Davis
                   Remarks:  Discontinued in 1809.

(6)   Winchester:            Place of Publication
Title: [ The Virginia Gazette, and Winchester Advertiser]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  July 11, 1787.
                   First Publisher:   Bartgis & Willcocks
                   Publisher in 1790:  Bartgis & Co.
                   Remarks:  In existence in 1790.

Title:  [The Virginia Centinel; or the Winchester Mercury]
                   (Weekly)    Established:  Apr. 2, 1788.
                   First Publisher:  Richard Bowen and Co.
                   Publisher in 1790:     same as above
                   Remarks:  In existence in 1800.

Source: Title:  "A Century of Population Growth from the First Census of the
United States to the Twelfth 1790-1900."
Department of Commerce and Labor-Bureau of the Census.
Publisher:  Washington Government Printing Office-1909

                 Transcribed by Miriam Medina