enter name and hit return
RED = Deaths
GREEN = Marriage License
BLUE = Birth
1 October 1912
Amaziah Foster, for many years a resident of Springfield, died Monday at his
home on Foster Avenue at the age of 91. He was born at Rockaway Beach. For
many years he owned a large farm at Springfield. He retired from active life
some time ago and had been in poor health for the past four years. He was an
active worker in the Methodist church.
About 11 o'clock last night an east bound trolley car of the Jamaica Avenue
branch of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company collided with a farm wagon owned
and driven by Joblet Vogel, of Vogel Avenue, Queens, at Jamaica Avenue and
Suydam Street, Union Course. Vogel was thrown from the wagon and received a
lacerated wound of the left leg. He was attended by Dr Christiansen and went
James Mackey and John Dodd, of Manhattan Avenue, were yesterday held for
trial in the court of Special Sessions after a hearing before Magistrate
Leach in the Jamaica Court, were they were charged with assaulting Louis
Diehl at a picnic park on Myrtle avenue. Diehl had his jaw broken.
The Rev. S. Paul Jefferson, who has been pastor of the Baptist Church at Port
Jefferson since April 1, 1909, handed his resignation to the clerk of the
church on Sunday to take effect October 31. Mr. Jefferson has accepted the
call from the Baptist Church of Amherst, Mass.
3 May 1926 Monday
Mary J. MAINHALL, 69, Dr. Combes Sanitarium, Jackson avenue, Corona
Albert Joseph CONDON, 8 months, 30-20 93rd street, Corona.
Alice J. ANDERSON, infant, 71 Nichol street, Corona.
Mary Jane PAINTER, 56, Grant avenue, Rosedale.
Joseph HARTEL, 67, 8748 115th street, Richmond Hill.
James GRENDROD, 47, 162-17 78th street, Jamaica.
Eleanor THELEN, 14, 2526 94th street, Jackson Heights.
John Ferdinand SCHOOLE, 62, 1673 Grove street, Ridgewood.
William Ara_ SHULTZ, 9449 Lefferts avenue, Richmond Hill.
Wanda Audrey SWAYER, 3 months, 6120 170th street, Flushing Heights.
Patricia CARPENTER, 10 months, 20 S. Way avenue, Corona.
Donato PALISCIANNO, __ months, __36 Corona avenue, Corona.
Amanda R. MILLER, 81, 188 Chichester avenue, Jamaica.
Virginia PEDICINI, infant, 155 New York avenue, Jamaica.
William M. GREENE, 34, 510 South street, Jamaica.
Anna E. SCHILLING, 50, 73 North 8th avenue, Whitestone.
Sarah Anne CARR, 66, 226 Valentine street, Glendale.
Katharine Rosalia KLINGA, 535 5th avenue, L. I. City.
Mary HEATH, 31, St. Anthony's Hospital, Woodhaven.
Geo PATTERSON INGRAM, 57, 910 Van Al__ (may be Alst) avenue, L. I. City.
Angelina ZAFONTI, 51, 8710 Boulevard, Rockaway Beach.
Joseph S_LINO, 60, 242 Beach 76th street, Rockaway Beach.
HENDRICKSON - On Saturday, May 1, 1926, Samuel, husband of the late Sarah A.,
and father of Mrs. Emily HENDRICKSON and Mrs. Anna IWLLSON [sic], in the 82d
year of his age.
Funeral services from his residence 133 New York avenue, Jamaica, N.Y.,
Tuesday, May 4, 1926, at 3 p.m.
Interment at Prospect Cemetery (1499)
To those dear friends who attended the funeral of my dear beloved wife,
Ella May HALL, April 17th, I beg to accept my heartfelt thanks and appreciation
for their many letters of sympathy and floral gifts.
Yours sincerely, William E. HALL Joined by his Sister: Dora E. REED
4 May 1926
Agnes Portious SCOTT, 46, 164 22d street, Jackson Heights;
Joseph WEISS, 60, 438 Beach 132nd street, Rockaway Beach;
Louis ZISKIN, 32, 87th street and Atlantic avenue, Woodhaven;
Edward J. SCHMIDT, 70, 132-65 Metropolitan avenue, Richmond Hill;
Louis WAGNER, 60, 70-13 Hossack street, Middle Village;
Sarah Louise SCHINDLER, 76, Mills avenue, Springfield;
Maryanne EIFERT, 92, 88-29 85th street, Woodhaven;
Anna WOLENSKY, 60, 11 North 8th avenue, Whitestone;
G. SOUTHEIMER, 66, 6 Glasser street, Evergreen;
Barbara WILD, 1, 318 14th street, College Point;
Veronica DESMARUS, 8, 89-16 87th street, Woodhaven;
Pauline AMBACHER, 64, 422 Bleecker street, Ridgewood;
Charles MAGUIRE, 53, 185 Beach 130th street, Rockaway Beach;
Herman REMELE, 46, 7 Purity street, Astoria;
Katharine RIESS, 65, 80-14 90th road, Woodhaven;
Fred ERZINGER, 50, 32 165th street, Jamaica;
Florence J. SHAW, 30, 9022 204th street, Hollis;
William H. ZIEGLER, 41 23 South 79th street, Elmhurst;
Anthony GRIECO, 22, 108-16 Sutphin boulevard, Jamaica;
Harold ARNOLD, 26, 627 Crescent street, Long Island City;
Anna LINSKY, 54, 40-13 69th street, Winfield;
John Joseph MILLER, Maurine avenue, Bayside;
Alexander WHYTE, 84, Woodlawn Terrace, Beechhurst;
Elizabeth M. MALONE, 73, 21-64 29th street, Astoria;
Rosario ZUDANO, 3 days, St. Joseph's Hospital, Far Rockaway;
Terrence McGUIRE, 4 months, _ _ Justice street, Elmhurst;
Conrad SEIMEL, 90, 89-17 88th street, Woodhaven;
Margaret CARRE, 73, 5 Broadway, Flushing
Eugene BOUSSON, 75, 82 8th street, Long Island City;
Katherine J. McELRONE, 66, 87-26 89th street, Woodhaven.
FURRER - On Sunday, May 2, 1926, Jacob Frederick FURRER, beloved husband of
Irene FURRER in his 34th year. Funeral services at the residence of his father
Phillip FURRER, 224 Valentine street, Glendale on Tuesday, May 4, at 8 p.m.
Interment Wednesday, May 5, at 2 P.M. at Lutheran Cemetery. [08680]
BENTHIN - On Monday, May 3, 1926, Annie P. KUNZE, beloved wife of Franz
BENTHIN, in the 63rd year of her age. Funeral services at her residence, Parsons
Blvd., Flushing, N.Y., Thursday, May 5, 1926, at 8 P.M. and on Friday, May 6,
1926, 2 P.M., services be held at St. Paul's Reformed Church, Herriman ave.,
cor. Hillside, Jamaica, N.Y. Interment, Flushing Cemetery. [01557]
HENDRICKSON - On Saturday, May 1, 1926, Samuel, husband of the late Sarah A.,
and father of Mrs. Emily HENDRICKSON and Mrs. Anna IWLLSON , in the 82d year
of his age. Funeral services from his residence 133 New York avenue,
Jamaica, N.Y., Tuesday, May 4, 1926, at 3 p.m. Interment at Prospect Cemetery
6 May 1926
Most Beautiful Will Be Named at Show Saturday Night
With Saturday night, -- the final hour when Miss Queens is to be
selected - drawing nearer, many more Queens girls have entered the Long Island
Daily Press Beauty Contest which is being conducted in conjunction with the
Queens Village Lions Industrial Exposition and Automobile Show under the big top at
201st street and Jamaica avenue, Queens Village.
Thousands of persons have visited the show during the first three
days and this number will be more than quadrupled within the remaining four days
of the show. The new contestants are:
Claire BURWELL, 97-12 148th street, Jamaica
Mae KANE, 114 Center street, Richmond Hill
Vera KANE, 114 Center street, Richmond Hill
Elsie LEVY, Queens Village
Beatrice BROWN, 94-37 201st street, Hollis
Ida BROWN, 94-37 201st street, Hollis
Jean ST. CLAIRE, Bellerose.
Contestants will gather under the big top on Saturday night, when
they will promenade on the platform in the center of the show while three judges
will review them. The girls are permitted to wear such costumes as they care
to. Anything from a bathing suit to a fur coat is permitted.
The most beautiful girl selected will be awarded a diamond wrist
watch. There is no obligation and no charges in entering the contest. Girls
should send, phone or bring their names and addresses and pictures to the Contest
Editor, L. I. Daily Press, Jamaica, N. Y.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul WOLFSKEHL of 110th avenue, are spending some time in
Baltimore, Md. They expect to visit the Capitol and many interesting points
Miss DOOLITTLE gave a wonderful talk on art last week at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, in Manhattan, where a number of Hollis women, members of the
Jamaica Chapter Delphians, met to study art. Hill Chapter of Brooklyn, also
joined the party.
Friends of Mrs. M. SCOFIELD of Hollis Park Gardens, are so glad to know
that she is improving after her recent illness, and hope she will soon be well
Mrs. J. MATTEO of 89th road is very pleased to report that her sister,
Ada, is recovering in St. John's Hospital from her recent illness. Her many
friends wish for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. L. WILLIAMS of Flushing avenue, spent the week-end in New Haven,
Conn., visiting her mother.
Mrs. Andrew KEELY, Mrs. Frank McKENNA and Mrs. H. B. VER ERKE motored to
Freeport to have luncheon with Mrs. Edward FELBIG, formerly of Hollis. After
luncheon a delightful trip was enjoyed to Massepequa, where a sister of Mrs.
FELBIG resides.
Mrs. E. J. O'MALLEY entertained her card club at her summer home in
Amityville at luncheon followed by cards. Honors were awarded Mesdames ALEXANDER,
SIMPSON, E. MULVANEY and George GROFF; others enjoying this delightful party
were Mesdames Frank FELLOWS, Thomas NELSON and Mrs. Arthur TULLY.
Charles H. ALLEN, a former resident of this village, now residing at
Cutchogue, was the guest of his son, Philip ALLEN of 45 Violet avenue on Monday
and Tuesday.
Mrs. Frederick SCHNEIDER and children of Huntington have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. THURSTON of 24 Iris avenue.
Mrs. Edgar S. JACKSON of 68 Verbena avenue, who has been ill with the
flu, is around again.
The Rev. and Mrs. Joseph McCOUN of 74 Emerson avenue, who spent the
winter at St. Cloud, Florida, have returned.
Miss Ada I. HENDRICKSON of 25 Violet avenue, who was confined to her home
for a week or more with the flu, is at the library again each day.
Council Lodge, 979, F. and A. M., will confer the degree of Fellowcraft
upon candidates in waiting at the Richmond Hill Masonic Temple 114th street,
tonight. Senior Warden Adolph R. RUBIN will confer the degree. Lester J.
GOLDMAN, a recently raised brother will deliver the Middle Chamber lecture.
At the last meeting of the Lodge eleven different worthy institutions
were remembered with gifts, over $1,100 being voted on that night. At the
suggestion of Brother George M. GROSS, about 300 orphan boys and their band will be
given an auto trip to Coney Island some time in June. Money has been
appropriated to entertain the guests on that occasion.
Brother Theodore ABRAHAMSON will deliver the Middle Chamber lecture at
Girard Lodge, Mecca Temple, Manhattan, May 6. A large delegation from Council
Lodge will accompany him.
13 May 1927
GOERTZ - John, on Tuesday, May 10th, aged 57 years. He is survived by his
widow and two daughters. Funeral services from his late residence, 198
Remington Avenue, Jamaica, Friday at 8 pm.
REINHARDT - Frank, died at his residence, 130-38 149th Street, South Ozone
Park, May 12, beloved husbnad of Bertha Reinhardt. Survived by 1 daughter,
Mrs. G. Reckeramn, 3 brothers and 2 sisters, 1 grandchild. Funeral Sunday
afternoon at 3:00 pm from his residence. Interment Lutheran cemetery.
FOSTER - Catherine A. on Thursday, may 12th, wife of Amaziah Foster, in her
72nd year.
14 May 1927
REINHARDT - Frank died at his residence, 130-38 149th Street, South Ozone
Park, May 12, beloved husband of Bertha Reinhardt. Survived by 1 daughter,
Mrs. G. Reckeramn, 3 brothers and 2 sisters, 1 grandchild. Funeral Sunday
afternoon, 2:30 pm from his residence. Interment Lutheran cemetery.
FOSTER - Catherine A., on Thursday, May 12th, wife of Amaziah Foster, in her
72nd year. Funeral services at her late residence, 145-02 Farmers Avenue,
Springfield, on Sunday, May 15th, at 2:30 pm. Interment Springfield cemetery.
DIESTEL - On Friday, May 13, 1927, Jacob, beloved husband of Emma Elizabeth
Diestel. Funeral services at his residence, 189-07 Keeseville Avenue,
Hollis, NY on Monday afternoon at three o'clock.
JACKSON - Mrs. D.K., 127 Washington Street, died May 13th, 1927. Funeral
services from Allen M.E. church. Washington Street, 2 pm May 16th.
BROWN - Suddenly on Thursday May 12, 1927, Alice Campbell, beloved wife of
Everett Altot. Brown (Hard to read) Funeral from her residence 9115 183rd
Street, Jamaica, LI on Wednesday, May 18, at 8:30 am, thence to St Bernard's
church. West 14th Street, New York City, where solemn requiem mass will be
said at 10 am. Interment, St Raymond's cemetery.
POWELL - On Thursday, May 12, John Martin Powell, age 45 years, husband of
Jessie Powell. Funeral services from his residence, 140-23 148th Street, or
Lincoln Ave, Rosedale, LI, Saturday, May 14, at 8 pm.
Interment, Evergreen cemetery.
6 May 1942
6 May 1942, page 10, Births
CLUNDT - A daughter, Caryl Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul CLUNDT of 94-04 218th
street, Queens Village, at Sloan's Presbyterian Hospital, Manhattan.
NIEDZIELSKI - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin NIEDZIELSKI of 145-17 Ferndale
avenue, Jamaica, at Jamaica Hospital.
NUGARD - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Howard NUGARD of 107-58 128th street,
Richmond Hill, at Jamaica avenue.
COOPER - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harry COOPER of 115-62 191st street, St.
Albans, at Jamaica Hospital.
CASSIDAY - A son to Mr. and Mrs. William CASSIDAY of 130-18 91st avenue,
Richmond Hill, at Jamaica Hospital.
STEFF - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick STEFF of 62 Apple street
Jamaica, at Jamaica Hospital.
BEDNER - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Myron BEDNER of 135-28 Kew Gardens road,
Richmond Hill, at Jamaica Hospital.
MARACINA - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul MARACINA of 120-22 Ocean
promenade, Belle Harbor, at Jamaica Hospital.
HYLAND - A son to Mr. and Mrs. David HYLAND of 84-20 102nd street, Richmond
Hill, at Jamaica Hospital.
McALLISTER - A son to Mr. and Mrs. James McALLISTER of 145-16 89th avenue,
Jamaica, at Jamaica Hospital.
SPANO - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent SPANO of 143-20 94th avenue, Jamaica,
at Jamaica Hospital.
WHELAN - A son, John Thomas 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas WHELAN Jr., of
125-04 97th avenue, Richmond Hill, at Jamaica Hospital. Mrs. WHELAN is the
former Le Claire HANER of Richmond Hill.
ASCHER - A son, Louise Michael, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ASCHER of 120-11
Liberty avenue, Richmond Hill, at Jamaica Hospital.
BAUMANN - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony BAUMANN of 99 Kings parkway,
Baldwin, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
ORLOFF - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander ORLOFF of 89-21 89th street,
Woodhaven, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
KEENER - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles KEENER of 84-33 60th avenue, Elmhurst,
at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
CARSTAIRS - A son to Mr. and Mrs. William CARSTAIRS of 506 Woodward avenue,
Ridgewood, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
BUDANI - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph BUDANI of 235 Linden street,
Brooklyn, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
LA MARCA - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William LaMARCA of 169 Himrod street,
Brooklyn, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
FEYH - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas FEYH of 69-21 62nd avenue, Maspeth,
at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
HERRMANN - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HERRMANN of 883 Woodward avenue,
Ridgewood, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
DUNNE - A son to Mr. and Mrs. F. R. James DUNNE of 1414-R 12, Lawrence, at
Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
PIEPER - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent PIEPER of 1170 Halsey street,
Brooklyn, at Wyckoff Heights Hospital.
GROPP - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred GROPP of 117-24 203rd street, St.
Albans, at the Park Hospital.
METZ - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis METZ Jr., of 191-64 145th road, St.
Albans, at the Park Hospital.
MARCULES - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Charles MARCULES of 114-24 168th street,.
Jamaica, at the Park Hospital.
STELFOX - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. William D. STELFOX of 189-06 Williamson
avenue, Springfield Gardens, at the Park Hospital.
LUDWIG - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LUDWIG of 177-36 Leslie road, St.
Albans, at the Park Hospital.
BERGEN - A son to Mr. and Mrs. James BERGEN of 198-05 104th avenue, Hollis,
at the Park Hospital.
HEYMANN - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Hans MEYMANN of 84-61 257th street, Floral
Park, at the Park Hospital.
WRAY - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand WRAY of 178-32 Baisley boulevard, St.
Albans, at the Park Hospital.
BARWICK - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Frank BARWICK of 238-21 116th road, Elmont,
at the Park Hospital.
PETERSEN - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harry PETERSEN of 104-11 210th street,
Bellaire, at the Park Hospital.
KRAUSS - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick KRAUSS of 102-16 Van Wyck
boulevard, Jamaica, at Jamaica Hospital.
6 May 1942
F. William SCHILLING, a printer, died yesterday at his home, 111-46 130th
street, South Ozone Park, of a heart attack.
Born in Germany, he was in this country 60 years and lived in Queens 15.
He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Alma K. SCHILLING, five brothers and two
Services will be held in the residence at 8:30 P.M. tomorrow. The Rev.
Paul Y. LIVINGSTONE, pastor of St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church, will
officiate. Burial will be in Lutheran Cemetery.
The funeral is under the direction of Leo F. Kearns.
Mrs. Freda E. CARL of 86-40 233rd street, Queens Village, died yesterday
in St. John's Hospital, after a brief illness. She was born in Brooklyn 53
years ago.
She leaves her husband, Henry; a daughter, Mrs. Madelene HOESKE; a
grandson, Richard HOESKE, and a sister, Mrs. Marie BAILEY of Belmont, Mich.
Services will be held at the Stutzmann Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica
avenue, Queens Village, at 8 P.M. tomorrow. The Rev. Frank BLOXHAM, rector of St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.
Services for Freda A. SCHMIDT, 73, who died Monday at her home, 87-55
115th street, Richmond Hill, will be held at 8 tonight in the Clarence F.
SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill. The Rev. Arthur R.
CUMMINGS, rector of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, will officiate.
Burial will be in Lutheran Cemetery.
She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Harry SCHNEIDER and Mrs. Rudolf PEHSE, and
a son, Richard.
Services for Mrs. Louise C. SCHNEIDER, 77, who died Monday at her home,
111-20 121st street, Richmond Hill, will be held there at 8 P.M. tomorrow. The
Rev. Paul Y. LIVINGSTONE, pastor of St. Andrew's Evangelical Lutheran Church,
will officiate.
Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
She leaves her husband, Jacob, and two daughters, Mrs. Mae BECKHAUS and
Mrs. Lucy VOGEL.
The funeral is under the direction of Clarence F. Simonson.
Dorothy B. MANGAN, 33, a former clerk in the Board of Education, died
yesterday at her home, 34-16 205th street, Bayside.
She leaves her parents, Edward J. and Kathryn; three sisters, Miriam,
Monica and Kathleen. Frank X. MANGAN of Jamaica is an uncle.
Mass will be offered in Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament R.C.
Church, Bayside, at 10 A.M. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
Mrs. Johanna REICHARD died yesterday at her home, 220 Elderts lane,
Cypress Hills, after a long illness.
Born in Germany 73 years ago she was brought to this country when she was
a child.
She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Minnie FREYKNECHT, Mrs. Ruth WEIGOLD,
and Louise, and a son, Harry.
Services will be held at the Clarence F. Simonson Funeral Home, 119-04
Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill, at 2:30 P.M. tomorrow. The Rev. Ernest A.
MEYER, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Cypress Hill Cemetery.
Services for Mrs. Sarah L. BRYANT, who died Monday at her home, 88-17
190th street, Hollis, will be held in the Quenzer-Hollis Funeral Home, Hillside
avenue and 187th place, at 8 tonight. The Rev. Robert Y. CONDIT, rector of St.
Gabriel's Episcopal Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Hillside Cemetery, Glen Cove.
Mrs. BRYANT was born in Manhattan 70 years ago.
She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Mary WATERS.
Services for Max BIEBER, contractor, who died yesterday at his home,
183-02 Horace Harding boulevard, Flushing, will be held in the Quenzer-Hollis
Funeral Home, Hillside avenue and 187th place, at 9:30 A.M. Friday. Cremation
will follow at Fresh Pond.
He leaves his wife, Margaret; a brother, Erwin, and a sister, Mrs.
Frances IMHOFF.
He was born in Germany 48 years ago and was in this country 17 years.
Services for Louis EBERT, 61, a machinist, who died Monday at his home,
88-30 85th street, Woodhaven, will be held in the George Werst Funeral Home,
Hart street and Evergreen avenue, Brooklyn, at 8 tonight. The Rev. Max ROST,
pastor of the Glendale Reformed Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Julia BRENDUE and Mrs. Ella KLEINBUB.
Ms. Mary Jane LEONARD, 83, a resident of Woodhaven for 28 years, died
yesterday at her home, 91-33 91st street.
She leaves two sons, Thomas and John; five daughters, Mrs. Sarah UHRIG,
Mrs. Margaret McGRATH, Mrs. Anna BURNS, Mrs. Mary FOX and Mrs. Belle CONTESSA
and seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Mass will be offered in St. Thomas the Apostle R.C. Church, at 10 A.M.
Friday. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
The funeral is under the direction of C. Henry Thompson.
Mrs. Emma HEBESTREIT, a member of the Allemanca Schwestern [sic] Circle,
died yesterday at her home, 160-03 84th drive Jamaica, after a brief illness.
She was born in Germany 74 years ago.
She leaves a son, Willy, and three daughters, Mrs. Hertha [sic] SPOTH,
Mrs. Ella KERN and Elsa SADLON.
Services will be held in the Hollis-Quenzer Funeral Home, Hillside avenue
and 187th place, at 8 P.M. tomorrow night. Burial will be in Maple Grove
Cemetery, Kew Gardens.
CANTOR-Rachel. The family of the late Rachel CANTOR wish to thank relatives,
friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent
bereavement. THE CANTOR FAMILY.
ADAMS - Suddenly on Tuesday, May 5, 1942. James G., beloved husband of Grace
L. and father of James G. Jr.
Services at his home 106-39 96th street, Ozone Park, Friday, at 8 P.M.
BELL - On Tuesday, May 5, 1942, Elizabeth, sister of William J. BELL.
Services at the Fairchild Chapel, 89-31 164th street, Jamaica, Thursday, at 2
BIEBER - Max, on May 5, 1942, age 43 years, beloved husband of Margaret,
brother of Erwin BIEBER and Frances IMHOFF.
Services and funeral at the Quenzer Hollis Funeral Home, Hillside avenue at
187th place, Hollis, Friday, 9:30 A.M.
Cremation at Fresh Pond.
BORMUTH - Frederick, on May 5, of 25 Sunnyside Court, Brooklyn, beloved
husband of Louise (nee MENGEL), and father of Harry P.
Services at Zirkel Funeral Home, Ridgewood and Norwood avenues, on Friday, 8
BRYANT - Sarah L. on May 4, beloved mother of Mary WALTERS.
Services Wednesday, 8 P.M., at the Quenzer Hollis Funeral Home, Hillside
avenue at 187th place, Hollis. Funeral Thursday, 10 A.M.
CARL - On May 5, Freda E., of 86-40 233rd street, Queens Village, beloved
wife of Henry CARL; devoted mother of Madeline HOESKE; fond grandmother of
Richard HOESKE, and sister of Marie BAILEY of Belmont, Mich.
Services at Stutzmann Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica avenue, Queens Village, on
Thursday at 8 P.M.
Interment Greenwood Cemetery, Friday, 2 P.M.
DIDIE - John P. Sr., suddenly on May 5, beloved husband of Margaret (nee
MICHELS), and dear father of William J., John P. Jr., Francis C.
Funeral from his residence, 85-30 55th avenue, Elmhurst, on Friday, May 8, at
9:45 A.M. Mass of requiem at Church of the Ascension, Van Horn street and
55th avenue, Elmhurst, at 10 A.M.
Interment St. John's Cemetery, under the direction of Raymond V. O'CONNOR
EBERT - Louis, on May 4, 1942, age 61 years, dear brother of Julia BRENDUE
and Ella KLEINBUB.
Services Wednesday, 8 P. M. at George Werst Funeral Home, Hart street corner
Evergreen avenue. Funeral Thursday 2:45 P.M.
HEBESTREIT - Emma, on May 5, 1942, age 74 years, beloved mother of Willy,
Hertha [sic] SPOTH, Ella KERN, Elsa SADLON; member of Allemania Schweftern Circle
Services Thursday, 8 P.M. at the Quenzer Hollis Funeral Home, Hillside avenue
at 187th place, Hollis. Funeral Friday, 2 P.M.
Interment Maple Grove Cemetery.
JOHNSTON - Robert W., on May 4, 1942; survived by wife, Augusta M.; children,
Helen FURNALD, Edgar TAPPAN, Martha FELDMANN, David BORLAND; brother, Harry
Services at residence, 91-15 84th street Woodhaven, Wednesday, 8:15 P.M.
Funeral Thursday 2 P.M.
Interment Cypress Hills Cemetery.
KALB - On Tuesday, May 5, 1942, Josephine, wife of the late Albert G. KALB;
survived by Mrs. Clara WERNER and William E. KALB.
Services at the Fairchild Chapel, 141-26 Northern boulevard, Flushing, L.I.,
Thursday, at 8 P.M.
LEONARD - Mary Jane (nee KEHOE), on May 5, 1942, at her home, 91-33 91st
street, Woodhaven, survived by 2 sons, Thomas and John; 5 daughters, Mrs. Sarah
UHRIG, Mrs. Margaret McGRATH, Mrs. Anna BURNS, Mrs. Mary FOX and Mrs. Belle
Funeral Friday from her home, 9:30 A.M. Requiem mass 10 A.M. R. C. Church of
St. Thomas Apostle.
Interment Calvary Cemetery.
MANGAN - Dorothy, on May 5, 1942, beloved daughter of Kathryn and Edward
MANGAN, devoted sister of Raymond, Miriam, Monica and Kathleen.
Funeral from her residence, 34-16 205th street, Bayside. Solemn requiem mass
at Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament R.C. Church, Friday, 10 A.M.
Interment Calvary Cemetery.
MUELLER - Theodore, on Monday, May 4, 1942, beloved father of William J.;
grandfather of Theodore H., Theresa, Edith and Andrew MUELLER.
Funeral on Friday morning from his homel 42A Bogart street, Brooklyn. Solemn
requiem mass, 10 o'clock, St. Leonard's Church.
Interment St. John's Cemetery.
Member of Court Arlington No. 244, Foresters of America.
REHLE - On Thursday, May 5, 1942, John, husband of Louisa REHLE.
Services at the Fairchild Chapel, 89-31 164th street, Jamaica, on Thursday,
at 8:30 P.M.
REICHARD - Johanna W., on May 5, at her home, beloved mother of Mrs. Minnie
FREYKNECHT, Mrs. Ruth C. WEIGOLD, Louise and Harry REICHARD.
Funeral services Thursday May 7, at 2 :30 P.M. at the Clarence F. Simonson
Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill.
Interment Cypress Hills Cemetery.
SCHILLING - F. William, widower of Katherine FINKERNAGEL, on May 5 1942,
devoted father of Alma K. SCHILLING; also survived by 5 brothers and 2 sisters.
Services Thursday, 8:30 P.M. at his home, 111-46 130th street, Richmond Hill.
Funeral Friday, 3 P.M.
Interment Lutheran Cemetery, Direction of Leo F. Kearns.
SCHLAGENHAUF - Frederick W., on May 5, 1942, in his 62nd year, beloved father
of Mildred E. TURNER; also survived by 3 brothers and 2 sisters.
Reposing at the Sheldon H. Avenius Funeral Home, 63-16 Forest avenue,
Ridgewood. He was a member of Merchants Lodge No. 709, F. & A. M., and the LongI
[sic] Grotto.
Masonic services Wednesday, May 6, 15 8 P.M. Religious services Thursday,
May 7, at 8 P.M. Funeral Friday, 2 P.M.
Interment Evergreen Cemetery.
SCHMIDT - Freda A., on May 4, at her home, 87-55 115th street, wife of the
late Adolph H., and beloved mother of Mrs. Harry SCHNEIDER, Mrs. Rudolf FEHSE
and Richard SCHMIDT.
Funeral services Wednesday, May 6 at 8 P.M. at the Clarence F. Simonson
Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill.
Interment Thursday 11:15 A.M. Lutheran Cemetery.
SCHNEIDER - Louise C., on May 4, beloved wife of Jacob, and mother of Mrs.
Mae BECKHANS and Mrs. Lucy VOGEL.
Funeral services at her home, 111-20 121st street, Richmond Hill, on
Thursday, May 7, at 8 P.M.
Interment Friday, 1:30, Evergreen Cemetery.
WRAGGE - On Monday, May 4, Mary Louise, wife of Herman; mother of Viola
Funeral services at Wilbur E. Golder Funeral Home, 135-11 Springfield
boulevard, Springfield Gardens, Wednesay, May 6, aat 8 P.M.
Interment Cedar Grove Cemetery.
8 May 1942
Friday: page 13
Mrs. Florence A. SCHATTNER, 55, a resident of Richmond Hill for 25 years,
died yesterday at the home of her son, John, 11 Overlook road, Great Neck,
after a brief illness.
Besides John, she leaves another son, Martin, a resident of Richmond
Hill. Her husband, Martin, died three years ago.
Mass will be offered in St. Benedict Joseph Labre R. C. Church, Richmond
Hill, Monday at 10 A.M.
Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
The funeral is under the direction of John J. WALSH.
Mrs. Dora TIMBERMAN, of 152-11 169th street, a Jamaica South resident for
12 years, died yesterday at Mary Immaculate Hospital, Jamaica.
Born in Germany 60 years ago, she was in this country since she was a
year old.
She leaves her husband, John G.; a daughter, Mrs. Louisa SCHRAMEK, and
two grandchildren.
Services will be held in the HARTMANN Funeral Home, 219-24 134th road,
Springfield Gardens, at 8 P.M. Sunday. The Rev. St. Clair BOUSUM, pastor of
Bethany Lutheran Church, Springfield Gardens, will officiate.
Burial will be Monday.
The funeral is under the direction of the Frederick Funeral Home.
Mrs. Margaret NOLL, 87, widow of George H. NOLL who founded a memorial
business in Cypress Hills in 1880 died yesterday at her home, 97-08 110th
street, Richmond Hill.
She lived in Cypress Hills and Richmond Hill for 65 years.
A son, John F., who carries on his father's business is her only
immediate surviving relative.
Services will be held in the KLAGES Funeral Home, Ridgewood avenue and
Richmond street, Brooklyn at 2 P.M. Sunday. The Rev. Joseph WOLF, pastor of
Bethany Evangelical Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Frank O. ANDERSON, a retired shipwright and carpenter, died yesterday at
his home, 242 Hasbrouck road, East Hamilton Beach. He was born in Sweden 75
years ago and lived in this country for 53 years.
He leaves his wife, Clara; a daughter, Frances, and two sons, Nelson and
Services will be at the Clarence F. SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04
Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill, at 8 P.M. Sunday. The Rev. J. Earl ENDRES,
pastor of St. Barnabas Lutheran Church, will officiate.
Mrs. Mary GILLESPIE BRENNAN died yesterday at her home, 106-18 109th
avenue, Ozone Park, where she had lived for the last 20 years. She was born in
Manhattan 55 years ago.
She leaves a daughter, Rita, and four sons, John, Thomas, William and
Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help R. C. Church, Richmond Hill, at 10
A.M. tomorrow. Burial will be in Holy Rood Cemetery.
The funeral is under the direction of William SCHAFFNER.
Services will be held Monday for Mrs. Patricia McMENIMAN, 27, who
sacrificed her life to save her 18 month-old son when fire trapped them in the
third floor bedroom of their South Zone Park home last Friday.
A solemn requiem mass will be offered at St. Anthony of Padua Church,
133-34 128th street, at 10 A.M. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery.
When flames blocked the stairway of the home at 120-09 142nd place last
Friday, Mrs. McMENIMAN clasped her son, John, in her arms and leaped from the
Her skull was fractured and she died in Jamaica Hospital Wednesday night
without regaining conciousness. The child's arm is broken, but doctors say he
will recover.
In addition to her young son, Mrs. McMENIMAN leaves two other children by
a former marriage, Cynthia, 6, and Arleen, 7, and her parents, Patrick and
Alicia KILKENNY, with whom she lived; and five brothers, John, Edward, Robert,
Frank and Thomas KILKENNY.
Mrs. McMENIMAN's husband, William, lives with his parents in Brooklyn,
but the couple was not estranged.
BALDWIN - W. Edward SPRAGUE, a trustee of Hofstra College, Hempstead, and
former marketing consultant for New York City, died yesterday at his home, 87
Harrison avenue, after an illness of nearly two months. He was 67.
Mr. SPRAGUE, a descendant of one of the oldest families on Long Island,
was born here on a farm that had been in the possession of his family for 200
He engaged in farming here for nearly 30 years. In 1926, he sold a large
part of his holdings, as the increase in land values made farming
unprofitable in the rapidly growing communities along Nassau's South Shore.
He was a former auditor for the Town of Hempstead and marketing
consultant for New York City. He served as the town auditor for eight years.
Mr. SPRAGUE was a director of the Second National Bank of Hempstead and
was active in Nassau Masonic affairs.
He was the superintendent of the Sunday School of the Baldwin Methodist
Church for 30 years.
Masonic services were held at his home today. Burial was in Greenfield
Cemetery, Hempstead.
Mr. SPRAGUE leaves his second wife, Mrs. Albina ZAVIS SPRAGUE, whom he
married three years ago. His first wife and two sons, Everett and Wesley
SPRAGUE, are not living.
9 May 1942
page 6: Saturday
George A. LYNCH, 76-year-old retired carpenter died yesterday at his
home, 109-42 217th street, Queens Village.
Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 P.M. in the Clarence F. SIMONSON
Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill. Interment will follow in
Cedar Grove Cemetery.
Mr. Lynch was born in Canada, but lived in Queens 54 years and retired
five years ago. He served as president of the Jamaica Local of the United
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners. He was a member of the Woodhaven Odd
Fellows for more than 50 years and was an honorary member of the Royal Arcanum.
He leaves five sons, Frank, Arthur, Joseph, Chester and Wesley, and two
daughters, Mrs. Ethel KINNEY and Mrs. Gwendolyn ADLER.
Edgar NUGENT, 41 year old aircraft mechanic, died yesterday at the
Memorial Hospital, Jamaica, after a short illness.
Born in Newark, he lived in Queens 22 years. He made his home at 115-39
135th street, South Ozone Park. He was a member of the Dunton Masons.
The Rev. C. Henry THOMPSON of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will
officiate at services tomorrow at 8:30 P.M. in the Raymond L. EISNER Funeral Home,
127-06 Liberty avenue, Richmond Hill. Masonic services will also be
conducted. Burial will be in a New Jersey cemetery.
Mr. NUGENT leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter NUGENT, two brothers
and a sister.
A former state trooper, he was working as a mechanic with a New Jersey
aircraft company.
Services for Henry GEE, 75-year-old retired railroad engineer, will be
conducted Monday at 10 A.M. in the Clarence F. SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04
Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill.
Mr. GEE died Thursday night at Queens General Hospital. He was stricken
with a heart attack just after he left a theatre near his home at 118-22
Atlantic avenue, Richmond Hill.
The Rev. Frederick BUSH of the All Saints Episcopal Church will officiate
at the services. Burial will be in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Mr. GEE was born in Albany, but lived in Queens 55 years. For 40 years
he made his home at the Atlantic avenue address.
For many years he was employed as an engineer by the Long Island
Railroad. He retired in 1930.
Theodore V. Taylor, 76, died yesterday at his home, 96-08 95th drive,
The Rev. A. J. MacKENZIE of the Union Congregational Church of Richmond
Hill will officiate Monday at 1:30 P.M. in the Clarence F. SIMONSON Funeral
Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill.
Mr. TAYLOR was the manager of the women's stocking department of the
Stern Brothers Department Store. He worked for the store 25 years and retired 10
years ago.
Born in Philadelphia, he lived in Woodhaven two years and before that
made his home in Richmond Hill and Howard Beach for many years.
He leaves two sons, Frank and Theodore, and a grandchild.
Joseph H. NORWARK, 68-year-old retired heating and ventilating inspector
of the Board of Education, died yesterday after a long illness at the
Veterans' Hospital in the Bronx. He lived at 219-11 113th drive, Queens Village.
For more than 20 years Mr. NORWARK worked with the Board of Education.
He retired last year.
During World War I, Mr. NORWARK served as an ensign on the U.S.S. Iowa.
He was a member of the Board of Education American Legion Post and also
belonged to the Foresters.
He leaves his wife, Anna, and a son, Harry J., a fire lieutenant. He
also leaves two sisters.
Burial will be in St. Michael's Cemetery, Flushing.
POUGHKEEPSIE - Mrs. Frances JOHNSTONE PARIS, former Flushing resident and
founder and honorary president of the State Federation of Garden Clubs, died
here yesterday at the Samuel and Nettie BOWNE Memorial Hospital, after a long
illness. She was the widow of John W. PARIS, Flushing real estate broker and
civic leader.
Born in Menderson, Ky., Mrs. PARIS was active in Queens garden clubs.
She founded the Flushing Garden Club, the first on Long Island, in April, 1914,
and served as its president for 10 years.
She also organized the Federated Garden Club of Long Island. During
World War I, Mrs. PARIS directed the Flushing Garden Club's victory garden drive.
A three-day flower, vegetable and baby show was conducted and $5,000 donated
to Flushing Hospital for the care of war victims.
She leaves a son, Rex Lee PARIS, and a daughter, Mrs. Warren PROSSER
SMITH, both Manhattan.
Services for Louis LOESCH, 75-year-old retired glazier who died Thursday
at his home, 71-30 Caldwell avenue, Maspeth, will be conducted Monday at 2
P.M. at his home, with the Rev. C. Henry THOMPSON of the Lutheran Church of the
Good Shepherd officiating. Burial will be in Lutheran Cemetery.
Mr. LOESCH worked as a glazier for the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company for
25 years. He retired 11 years ago.
He leaves a son, Charles; a daughter, Mrs. Augusta FUERST, and eight
grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
William A. KRUERS, 21-year-old tester for the Sperry Gyroscope Company,
died yesterday in the Unity Hospital, Brooklyn, after an appendectomy.
A requiem mass will be offered Monday at 10 A.M. in St. Elizabeth Roman
Catholic Church, Ozone Park. Burial will follow in Calvary Cemetery.
Mr. KRUERS lived in Woodhaven all his life. His home was at 97-33 78th
street. He attended St. Elizabeth's Parochial School and Jamaica High School.
His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. KRUERS, are the only survivors.
Emil AU, 66, of 104-53 129th street, Richmond Hill, died yesterday in
Mary Immaculate Hospital, Jamaica.
The Rev. Carl. C. TOEBKE of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will officiate at
services Monday at 8 P.M. in the Raymond L. EISNER Funeral Home, 127-06
Liberty avenue, Richmond Hill. Cremation will follow at the Fresh Pond Crematory.
Born in Germany, Mr. AU came to this country 36 years ago. He was
employed as a hatmaker.
He leaves his wife, Mary, and a daughter, Anne.
Andrew J. McCARTHY, retired police lieutenant and president of a Jamaica
sheetmetal company, died last night in Jamaica Hospital after a brief illness.
A veteran of 35 years' service with the Police Department, Lieutenant
McCARTHY retired in 1925 and became the president of the Illuminate Company of
Jamaica. He lived at 144-18 87th road. The family has lived in Jamaica 15
Requiem mass will be offered at 10 A.M. Tuesday in Our Lady of the
Cenacle Roman Catholic Church, 138th street and Hillside avenue, Jamaica.
Burial will follow in St. Raymond Cemetery, the Bronx. A police escort
will be assigned.
He leaves a son, Raymond, and a daughter, Mrs. Loretta V. GLASGOW.
Another son, Joseph, died three months ago.
11 May 1942
DE ORTY HENRY, beloved husband of Margaret, May 8, 1942 at his home, 130
Parkside Avenue veteran of World War I; also survived by his father, Jacob and
two brothers, Harry and Louis. Funeral Tuesday at 10 AM, Internment National
Cemetery, Pinelawn, L.I. William P. Murphy & Son
DIXON, CHRISTOPHER S., May 10, 1942, beloved husband of Anna; devoted father
of Dorothy and Paul. Reposing at Walter B. Cooke, Inc., Funeral Home, 151
Linden Blvd, until Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Service at Rugby Congregational Church 8:30
DORAN, MARY I., suddenly, on May 8, Beloved wife of the late William ?,
devoted mother of Frank J., Marie t., William A., Marjorie L., and the late
Arthur R. Doran. Requiem mass Monday, May 11, 10am. St. Edmund’s church.
DUNN, JOHN E., May 10; beloved husband of Mary (nee Heaverside); father of
Lt. William J., Anna May Moskley, Dorothy Genge, also survived by two
grandchildren. Funeral from his residence, 1445 E. 53rd Street, Wednesday. Solemn
requiem mass 9:30am., Mary Queen of Heaven Church, Internment Calvary Cemetery.
DURR, ANNA MARGARET aged 77 on May 9, 1942, life resident of Brooklyn.
Services and funeral Tuesday, May 12th at 2 o’clock aat the Lutz Chapel, 507
Fairview Avenue. Survived by brother Adam Durr, Utica, NY.
GEBMANN, MINNIE, born March 14, 1872; died May 9, 1942. Funeral service
Tuesday, May 12, at the United Burial Chapel, 1202 Broadway.
HANLON on May 9, ELIZABETH (nee McKenna), beloved wife of Walter J. and
devoted sister of Thomas F. McKenna. Funeral Wednesday morning at 9:30 from her
residence 1765 58th Street. Solemn requiem mass Church of St. Frances.
KAMMANN on May 9, 1942, HILMA M. (nee Ryding), in her 64th year, of Walden
NY, beloved wife of Ernest H. ??? and mother of Anna, Alice and August Kammann
and Mrs. Emma Moldenhauer, grandmother of Alfred, Charles and Joy Moldenhauer.
Funeral services at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma Moldenhauer, 51
Dartmouth Street, Valley Stream, on Tuesday evening 8 o’clock. Internment Wednesday
morning, Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn.
KILEY, JAMES Saturday May 9, 1942 of 424 Atlantic Avenue, formerly of Fourth
Ward, New York City, beloved husband of Esther Brown Kiley; four children
also survive. Funeral Wednesday. Requiem mass at St. James Pro-Cathedral, 10 am.
Internment Calvary Cemetery.
KOEBLER, HENRY, beloved husband of Henrietta, and dear father of Henry J..
and Charles Koebler. Services at John L. Baders’ Funeral Home, 507 Liberty
Avenue, Monday evening 8 o’clock.
LA SALLE COUNCIL, NO 454 K. OF C., announces with the deepest sorrow the
death of one if its members, Pat Chaplain Monsignor THOMAS F. LEONARD, Brothers
will please assemble at Sacred Heart Church, Clermont and Park Avenues on Monday
evening May 11, at 8:30 o’clock. William F. Walsh, Grand Knight.
LEONARD on Saturday, May 9, 1942. Very Rev. Monsignor THOMAS J. LEONARD,
pastor of Sacred Heart R.C. Church, Clermont Avenue. Reposing at the rectory, 41
Adelphi Street until Monday afternoon 4 o’clock, thence to the church.
Divine office, Sacred Heart Church, Tuesday May 12, at 10 am.; solemn requiem mass
10:30 am, Internment Holy Cross Cemetery.
LOVE- Suddenly, May 8, 1942, GEORGE E. LOVE, beloved brother of Elsie E.
Hart, Florence M. Cain and Minnie L. Love. Funeral services at Kiages Funeral
Home, Ridgewood Avenue, corner of Richmond Street, Brooklyn, Monday May 11, at 8
pm. Internment Evergreens Cemetery, Tuesday am.
11 May 1942
11 May 1942 Monday
William BLAKE, 26, of 112 82nd road
Mary MacAPINE, 22, of 124-16 84th road, both of Kew Gardens.
Walter KAISER, 24, of 88-02 237th street, Bellerose
Lucille SCHORR, 21, of 22-26 120th street, College Point.
Paul Kromer, 26, of Brooklyn
Irene ZORN, 20, of 60-11 59th drive, Maspeth.
Edward SCHUSTER, 30, of 107-18 122nd street, Richmond Hill
Frances SCHMID, 23, of 117-08 109th avenue, Ozone Park.
Joseph HEPTIG, 24, of 21 Catherine street, Valley Stream
Mildred HIRST, 25, of 259-30 147th road, Rosedale.
William VON LINDERN, 23, of 78-22 81st street, Glendale
Muriel CALLEI, 21, of 59-22 Grove street, Ridgewood.
John STIEFVATER, 23, of 110-17 108th street, Ozone Park
Vivian SCHLEIDER, 21, of 87-02 256th street, Floral Park.
Frank PULASKI, 28, of 88-23 Albert road
Florence WILLIAMSON, 18, of 95-05 Linden boulevard, both of Ozone Park.
Joseph KRUSE, 21, of 115-15 196th street
Lydia DILLON, 23, of 114-43 198th street, both of St. Albans.
Joseph POLLINA, 27, of 64-26 Wetherole street
Edith POGGIOLA, 20, of 65-16 Austin street, both of Forest Hills.
William DETTMER, 63, of 215-39 Jamaica avenue, Queens Village
Theresa PERERA, 60, of 90-40 201st street, Hollis.
George KEESE, 29, of 60-32 Maspeth avenue, Maspeth
Julia PENUCCI, 29, of 115-84 Lefferts boulevard, Ozone Park.
Thomas FORD, 31, of 100-08 88th avenue, Richmond Hill
Catherine ARNOTT, 28, of 65-08 68th avenue, Ridgewood.
Joseph KIEFER, 21, of 213-27 102nd avenue, Queens Village
Grace ROBINSON, 19, of 167-06 115th avenue, Jamaica.
Osvaldo GONZALES, 24, of Manhattan
Harriet BELLO, 22, of 139-49 85th drive, Jamaica.
Charles GIDDINS, 25, of Brooklyn
Leola HENDRIX, 27, of 102-41 Union Hall street, Jamaica.
Louis ADAMS, 26, of Brooklyn
Marie TIMMES< 27, of 71-32 72nd street, Glendale.
George SCHUTTE, 45, of 144-08 71st avenue, Kew Gardens
Pauline SCHUBEL, 45, of 31-20 76th street, Jackson Heights.
Francis TOBIN, 21, of Fort DuPont, Del.
Rose PUTZEL, 18, of 413 Beach 122nd street, Rockaway Park.
Wayne ADAMS, 29
Sylvia MALESIA, 18, both of 115-17 208th street, St. Albans.
James NAPOLI, 23
Ellen CODY, 21, both of 61-13 Madison street, Ridgewood.
Michael GALLAGHER Jr., 23, of 91-38 84th street, Woodhaven
Doris SEGERDELL, 21, of 107 6th road, Broad Channel.
Frederick SCHEYDER, 25, of 99-04 216th street
Mildred MOLLER, 23, or 94-07 214th street, Queens Village.
John FORTUNA, 25, of 90-26 Pitkin avenue, Ozone Park
Adeline AUGELLO, 19, of 88-17 104th street, Richmond Hill.
Arnold GAUGLER, 50, of Manhattan
Martha HERBST, 50, of 71-48 69th street, Glendale.
John ACHINI, 26, of Brooklyn
Dorothy ORMISTON, 26, of 181-16 93rd avenue, Jamaica.
Thomas CASABONA, 23, of 115-11 116th street
Julia NOVICK, 21, of 94-13 Pitkin avenue, Ozone Park.
Anthony LIEDTKE, Jr., 24, of 72-24 73rd street
Dorothy AHEARN, 22, of 76-21 82nd street, both of Glendale.
Paul SCHMIDT, 26, of 90-38 176th street
Mary REDDY, 20, of 80-50 161st street, both of Jamaica.
George FLESE, 21, of 146-18 133rd avenue
Solveig THOMPSEN, 17, of 114-30 139th street, both of South Ozone Park.
Eugene FINK, 22, of 124-11 153rd street
Eleanor THIERY, 23, of 170-26 118th road, both of Jamaica.
Nicholas DE STANTIS, 28, of 90-03 107th avenue, Ozone Park
Giovannina VITAMANTE, 26, of 138-28 Elmira avenue, Hollis.
John PERFORS, 54, of 97-36 231st street, Queens Village
Edna WHITNEY, 51, of 112-15 14th avenue, College Point.
Owen REES, 27, of 137-12 Hook Creek boulevard
Helen DE CLARA, 25, of 241-02 136th avenue, both of Rosedale.
Fred ERICKSON, 28, of Jersey City
Edythe GAVEY, 22, of 184-17 Jamaica avenue, Hollis.
Edward KUEBERT, 26, of 135 Beach avenue, Bellmore
Florence BRAUCHLE, 25, of 89-12 78th street, Woodhaven.
Hilliard PENFOLD, 28, of 100-25 199th street, Hollis
Ruth NOBLE, 22, of 36-17 Parsons boulevard, Flushing.
Stanley WOJTCZAK, 24, of 55-72 61st street
Sophia SKRZYPCZAK, 23, of 61-36 Grand street, both of Maspeth.
Thomas MANN, 38, of 344 Center street
May MUIR, 49, of 10-48 Wyckoff avenue, both of Ridgewood.
March 1944 L.I.Press, Licenses
March 24, 1944, page 6:
George CONLON, 20, of Plattsburg, N.Y. and Helen TIMSON,
19, of 89-07 107th avenue, Ozone Park.
Richard NEELD, 19, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, and Evelyn
CLARK, 19, of 127-17 103rd avenue, Richmond Hill.
Carel RAPPOLD, 39, and Bertha VANDERHORST, 41, both
of 64-15 Dieterle crescent, Forest Hills.
Kurt SALOMON, M.D., 41, of 63-109 Saunders street, Forest
Hills, and Charlotte KUHN, 43, of Newburgh, N.Y.
Henry WEBER, 28, of 87-16 75th street, and Dorothy
LOCKWOOD, 26, of 88-11 74th place, both of Woodhaven.
Harold SMITH, 25, of 88-10 117th street, and Edna
WHITELY, 22, of 11-05 Liberty avenue, both of Richmond Hill.
Constant KJEMS, 29, of 1718 Menahan street, Ridgewood, and
Matilda MAEDER, 29, of 59-19 58th avenue, Maspeth.
Clarence FINKBEINER, 25, of 89-44 163rd street,
Jamaica, and Rose LADRIE, 20, of Brooklyn .
Roy AITKIN, 22, of 114-36 159th street, and Dorothea
SCHAEFER, 20, of 114-60 199th street, both of St. Albans.
Charles BOULIN, 25, of 115-53 217th street, St. Albans,
and Doris ROHMANN, 17, of 12 Raymond court, Garden City.
Herbert LEVY, 31, of 103-24 115th street, Richmond Hill,
and Lydia FERNANDES, 24, of 139-10 8th drive, Jamaica.
Stewart LONG, 23, of 73-19 71st street, Glendale, and
Irene GASPAROLO, 18, of 99-23 43rd avenue, Corona.
John RODRIGUEZ, 28, of 130-09 Sutter avenue, South Ozone
Park, and Winifred ZINN, 22, of Brooklyn .
Walter MATTERS, 27, of 71-16 67th place, Glendale, and
Eleanor PETRICK, 23, of 47-05 48th street, Woodside.
William DOUGAN, 22, of 93-44 204th street, Hollis, and
Doris VITAL, 21, of 112-23 207th street, St. Albans.
Haviland ALDERMAN, 22, of Washington, and Helen LUDWIG,
23, of 103-23 113th street, Richmond Hill.
12 May 1942
David C. HISCOX, World War veteran and an engineer with the General
Electric Company of Manhattan, died yesterday in Memorial Hospital, Jamaica. His
home for the last 12 years was at 41 Smith street, Merrick.
He was born in Atlanta, Ga., 43 years ago and was a graduate of Georgia
Tech. During World War I he served with the A.E.F.
He leaves his wife, Sarah; a son, David, and a daughter, Sarita.
Legion services by General Electric Post will be held in the FAIRCHILD
Chapel, 89-31 164th street, Jamaica, at 8 tonight.
Cremation will be tomorrow.
Services for William H. BOYDELL of 89-10 168th street, Jamaica, who was
formerly in the storage battery business in Jamaica, will be held at the
FAIRCHILD Chapel, 89-31 164th street, Jamaica, at 1 P.M. Thursday. The Rev. Joseph
H. TITUS, rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Jamaica, will officiate.
Burial will be in Grace Churchyard.
Mr. BOYDELL was born in England 70 years ago.
His wife died several years ago and a sister, Mrs. Sarah E. BAUM of
Darby, Pa., is his only immediate surviving relative.
Frank P. WALTERS, a World War I veteran and for 18 years an optometrist
with offices at 119-06 Liberty avenue, Richmond Hill, died yesterday at his
home, 114-04 107th avenue.
Mr. WALTERS, born in Brooklyn 49 years ago, served with the field
artillery in the Battle of the Argonne.
He was a member of A. Gordon WEBSTER Legion Post, the Richmond Hill
Catholic War Veterans and the David M. O'CONNELL Veterans of Foreign Wars.
He leaves his wife, Josephine, and a son, Frank P. Jr.
Veteran services will be held in the residence at 8 P.M. Thursday. Mass
will be offered in Our Lady of Perpetual Help R.C. Church at 10 A.M. Friday.
Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn.
Mass for Mrs. Antoinette CLARKE of 137-05 231st street, Laurelton, who
died Sunday at the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, will be offered in
St. Clare's R.C. Church, Rosedale, at 10 A.M. tomorrow. The place of burial
has not been decided.
Mrs. CLARKE, born in Manhattan, lived in Laurelton for several years.
She was a member of the Laurelton Women's Democratic Club and the Laurelton
Women's Bowling Club.
She leaves her husband, Fireman Francis A. CLARKE, attached to Engine
Company 314, Rosedale, and two daughters, Mrs. Marguerite JENSEN and Mrs. Mina
The funeral is under the direction of FAIRCHILD Sons.
Services for James D. LAUGHTON of 114-40 207th street, St. Albans, who
died at a local hospital, will be held in the Thomas M. QUINN and Sons Funeral
Home, 168-31 Hillside avenue Jamaica at 1:30 P.M. tomorrow. The Rev. Charles
C. KYLE pastor of the Queens Village Evangelical Church will officiate. Burial
will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Mr. LAUGHTON, born in Manhattan 58 years ago, lived in Queens for three
He leaves a daughter, Mrs. Edith HARRINGTON, and two sisters, Mrs.
McIntosh REED and Mrs. Jean DUFFY.
David R. ROSS, 24, a salesman of 64-29 70th street, Middle Village, died
yesterday after a brief illness.
He leaves his parents, Hugh and Jessie; two brothers, Charles and Robert,
and a sister, Jessie.
Services will be held at 8 P.M. tomorrow in the George WERST Funeral
Home, 71-41 Cooper avenue, Glendale. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
BETTS - In sad and loving memory of a devoted husband and father, William
BETTS Sr., who departed this life May 12, 1940.
Gone but not forgotten.
BOYDELL - On Sunday, May 10, 1942, William H. BOYDELL. Services at the
FAIRCHILD Chapel, 89-31 164th street, Jamaica, Thursday, at 1 P.M.
BROWN - Madeline, age 62, of 97-10 104th street, Ozone Park, on May 11, 1942;
survived by her sister, Agnes CROLY, 5 nieces and 5 nephews. Solemn high
mass Friday, May 15, at 9 A.M. at St. Mary Gate of Heaven, Interment Calvary
CLARKE - On Sunday, May 10, 1942, Antoinette M., of 137-05 231st street,
beloved wife of Francis A., of the N.Y. Fire Dept., and mother of Mrs. Marguerite
JENSEN and Mrs. Mina STEWART. Funeral from the FAIRCHILD Chapel, 89-31 164th
street, Jamaica, on Wednesday, at 9:15 A.M. Thence to St. Clare's Church,
where a requiem mass will be offered at 10 A.M.
FROST - George Jacob, 61 years, on May 9, 1942, beloved husband of Anna,
father of Stanley. Reposing at his residence, 110-01 Liverpool street, Jamaica.
Employe of L.I.R.R. for 35 years. Relatives and friends are invited to visit
home and attend services. Solemn requiem mass at St. Joseph's R.C. Church,
Jamaica, Wednesday, May 13, at 9:30 A.M. Interment Mount St. Mary's Cemetery,
Flushing. Funeral under direction of DESZ Funeral Home, 108-20 Sutphin
boulevard, Jamaica.
GEIGER - Julia, on Sunday, May 10, 1942, in her 76th year, of 1647 Cornelia
street, Ridgewood, beloved mother of Anna, John, Charles and Victor GEIGER;
also survived by 11 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Funeral on
Thursday, 10 A.M., from George BAQUE Funeral Home, 614 Woodward avenue, Ridgewood.
Interment St. John's Cemetery.
HISCOS - On Monday, May 11, 1942, of 41 Smith street, Merrick, L.I., David
C., husband of Sarah and father of David and Sarita HISCOX. Reposing at the
FAIRCHILD Chapel, 89-31 164th street, Jamaica, until Wednesday, 2:30 P.M.
Interment private.
LANGTON - John James, Corporal U.S. Army, 71st Infantry, killed instantly on
May 5, 1942, in line of duty while stationed at Vancouver, Washington.
Beloved son of Charles and Mary, brother of Marie Patricia. Funeral from his
residence, 139-18 86th avenue, Jamaica, Wednesday, May 13. Solemn requiem mass at
Our Lady of Cenacle R.C. Church, Jamaica, at 10 A.M. Interment Calvary
LAUGHTON - James D., on May 10, 1942, beloved husband of the late Lena (nee
THURER), devoted father of Edith HARRINGTON, loving brother of Alice McIntosh
REED and Jean DUFFY. Funeral from the QUINN Funeral Home, 168-31 Hillside
avenue, Jamaica, L.I., Wednesday, May 13, 1:30 P.M., Reverend Charles KYLE
officiating. Interment Evergreen Cemetery under the direction of Thomas M. QUINN &
Sons., Inc.
MARTE - Marie, on May 10, beloved wife of the late Raymond MARTE, of 375
Bleecker street, Ridgewood. Reposing at GLEASON's Funeral Home, 149-20 Northern
blvd., Flushing, until Wednesday.
MORTON - Joseph, on May 10. Funeral services Tuesday, May 12 at 1 P.M. at
the Clarence F. SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside ave., Richmond Hill.
Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Clarence F. SIMONSON.
ROSS - David R., on May 10, 1942, age 24 years, dear son of Hugh and Jessie
(nee RATTRAY), brother of Charles, Robert and Jessie. Services Wednesday, 8
P.M., at George WERST Funeral Home, 71-41 Cooper avenue. Funeral Thursday, 1:30
P.M. Interment Evergreen Cemetery.
WAEGELIN - Meta, on May 10. Funeral services at her home, 150-65 117th
avenue, Jamaica, on Tuesday, May 12 at 8 P.M. Interment Wednesday 2 P.M. Lutheran
Cemetery. Clarence F. SIMONSON.
WALTERS - Frank P., on May 11, 1942, at his home, 114-04 107th avenue,
Richmond Hill, loving husband of Josephine and father of Frank Jr. Funeral from his
home Friday, 9:30 A.M. Thence to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, where a
solemn requiem mass will be celebrated, 10 A.M. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
13 May 1942
page 9
BETTS - In sad and loving memory of a devoted husband and father, William
BETTS Sr., who departed this life May 12, 1940.
Gone, but not forgotten.
ROLLENDER - William, died May 13, 1941.
Gone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent is the voice we loved to hear;
Too far away for sight or speech,
But not too far for thought to reach.
Sweet to remember him who once was here
And who, though absent, is just as dear.
STAHL - The family of the late Harry R. STAHL wish to thank relatives,
friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent
BOLAND - May 12, 1942, Blanche, beloved wife of the late Arthur F. BOLAND,
devoted mother of May and Arthur Jr.; daughter of John H. HAYES, and sister of
Edwin J. HAYES. Funeral from her residence, 150-12 115th avenue, South
Jamaica, Friday, 9:30 A.M. Requiem mass St. Bonaventure R.C. Church 10 A.M.
Interment St. John's Cemetery.
BROWN - Madeline, age 62, of 97-09 104th street, Ozone Park, on May 11, 1942;
survived by her sister, Agnes CROLY, 5 nieces and 5 nephews. Solemn high
mass Friday, May 15, 15 9 A.M., at St. Mary Gate of Heaven. Interment Calvary
CAMPBELL - Ellen, on May 12 1942, survived by her husband, William;
daughters, Mrs. Alice MOSES, Mrs. Helen DEFENBACH, Margaret CAMPBELL. Reposing at
Benson Funeral Home, Parsons boulevard at Grand Central parkway, Jamaica, until
Friday, 1:30 P.M. Religious services Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Interment Evergreen
COLEMAN - Anna M., on May 12, in her 43rd year, beloved wife of the late
Charles O.; mother of Theodore and Richard; daughter of Mrs. Margaret SCHWARTZ.
Funeral services Thursday, May 14, 8:30 P.M. at the Clarence F. SIMONSON
Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill. Interment Friday, 11 A.M.,
Evergreen Cemetery.
COSTIGAN - Joseph P., on May 12, 1942, beloved husband of Clara, and father
of Paul and George; also survived by 9 grandchildren. Funeral on Saturday at
9:30 A.M. from his residence, 118-07 103rd avenue, Richmond Hill. Requiem mass
at St. Benedict Joseph Church 10 A.M. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, under
the direct of John J. WALSH.
DEMAND - May 12, 1942, Mary, beloved sister of Martin, John, George,
Christine WILLIAMS, Julia McKNIGHT and Mathilda McKINNON. Funeral services at the
Walter B. COOKE Inc. Funeral Home, 150-10 Hillside avenue, Jamaica, L.I.
Wednesday, 8 P.M. Funeral Thursday, 2 P.M. Interment Evergreen Cemetery.
KEANE - On May 11, 1942, Julia (nee SULLIVAN), beloved wife of James J.
KEANE; also survived by 5 daughters and 4 sons. Funeral Friday, at 9 A.M., from
her residence, 113-35 212th street, Bellaire. Solemn requiem mass SS. Joachim
and Anne Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Direction T. J. HIGGINS & Son
OLPE - Richard G., on Tuesday, May 12, 1942, husband of the late Marie OLPE,
beloved father of Helen C., Richard F., Werner H. and Walter L. Interment
ROSS - David R., on May 10, 1942, age 24 years, dear son of Hugh and Jessie
(nee RATTRAY), brother of Charles, Robert and Jessie. Services Wednesday, 8
P.M. at George WERST Funeral Home, 71-41 Cooper avenue. Funeral Thursday, 1:30
P.M. Interment Evergreen Cemetery.
SOMES - Smith V., on May 11. Services Wednesday, May 13, at 8 P.M. at the
Clarence F. SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill.
Interment Thursday, 2 P.M., HOWLAND Cemetery, Mechanicsville, N.Y.
TATE - On May 10, Robert, of 246-17 Jamaica avenue, Bellerose, beloved
husband of Matilda TATE; devoted father of Robert and Kenneth. Services at the
STUTZMANN Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica avenue, Queens Village, on Wednesday, at 8
P.M. Interment Pinelawn National Cemetery Thursday at 10 A.M.
WALTERS - Frank P., on May 11, 1942, at his home, 114-04 107th avenue,
Richmond Hill, loving husband of Josephine and father of Frank Jr. Funeral from his
home Friday, 9:30 A.M. Thence to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, where a
solemn requiem mass will be celebrated, 10 A.M. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
ZIMMER - On May 12, 1942, Henry, husband of the late Mary ROACH, and father
of Henry C. Funeral from his home, 107-29 110th street, Richmond Hill,
Friday, at 9 A.M. Requiem mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help R. C. Church, 115th
street and 111th avenue. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
GARDEN CITY - Services for Mrs. Rita TOMPKINS MICKLE, 27, of 122
Chestnut street, Garden City, were held at the Frank E. CAMPBELL Funeral Church,
Manhattan, today. Burial was in Chatham.
Mrs. MICKLE died Sunday at Roosevelt Hospital.
She leaves her husband, John D., assistant manager of the industry sales
department of the Westinghouse Electric International Company; her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. TOMPKINS, and two children, Diana and John.
Mrs. Ellen CAMPBELL, 54, or 149-13 Jamaica avenue, Jamaica, died
yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alice MOSES, 75 Hoffman street, Franklin
Square, after a brief illness.
Mrs. CAMPBELL formerly lived in Briarwood.
She leaves her husband, William, and two other daughters, Mrs. Helen
DEFENBACH and Margaret.
Services will be held in the Benson Funeral Home, Parsons boulevard and
Grand Central parkway, Jamaica, at 7:30 P.M. tomorrow. The Rev. Egbert C.
MACKLIN, pastor of Victoria Congregational Church will officiate.
Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
Services for Mrs. Julia GEIGER of 1647 Cornelia street, Ridgewood, who
died Sunday, will be held in the George BAQUE Funeral Home, 614 Woodward avenue,
Ridgewood at 10 A.M. tomorrow.
Burial will be in St. John's Cemetery.
Mrs. GEIGER, born in Germany 75 years ago, was in this country for 55
She leaves a daughter, Anna, and three sons, Charles, Victor and John.
Joseph P. COSTIGAN, a retired landscape gardener whose work included the
grounds around several of the larger Roman Catholic churches of the greater
city, died yesterday at his home, 118-07 103rd avenue, Richmond Hill, after a
brief illness.
He was born in Ireland 87 years ago and was in this country most of his
He leaves his wife, Clara; two sons, Paul and George, and nine
Mass will be offered at St. Benedict Joseph Labre R.C. Church, Richmond
Hill, at 10 A.M. Saturday. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery.
The funeral is under the direction of John J. WALSH.
Services for Robert TATE, World War I veteran who died Monday, will be
held in the STUTZMANN Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica avenue; at 8 tonight. The
Rev. Jonathan SHERMAN, rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in Pinelawn National Cemetery tomorrow.
Veteran services were held at the Stutzmann Funeral Home last night by
the Queens Village Legion.
Mr. TATE, born in Brooklyn 47 years ago, serviced in the A. E. F.
He leaves his wife, Matilda, and two sons, Robert and Kenneth.
Mass for Madeline BROWN, 62, who died Monday at her home, 97-09 104th
street, Ozone Park, will be offered in St. Mary's Gate of Heaven R.C. Church,
Richmond Hill, at 9 A.M. Friday. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
Miss Brown leaves a sister, Mrs. Agnes CROLY, five nieces and five
The funeral is under the direction of Frank DALTON.
Henry ZIMMER, 67, a plumber, of 107-39 110th street, Richmond Hill, died
yesterday at Mary Immaculate Hospital.
Mr. ZIMMER leaves a son Henry C. His wife, the former Mary ROACH, died
in 1939.
Mass will be offered in Our Lady of Perpetual Help R.C. Church, Richmond
Hill, at 9:30 A.M. Friday. Burial will be in Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn.
The funeral is under the direction of Charles HARTING.
Masonic services for Smith V. SOMES, an uncle of Mrs. Madeline SIMPSON of
81-85 Utopia parkway, Jamaica Estates, will be held in the Clarence F.
SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill, at 8 tonight.
Religious services and burial will be in Mechanicsville at 2 P.M.
Mr. SOMES, who died in his Brooklyn home Monday, was 78.
Mrs. SIMPSON is his only immediate surviving relative.
Mrs. Anna M. COLEMAN, 42, active in the First Presbyterian Church of
Woodhaven, died yesterday in Kew Gardens Hospital.
Mrs. COLEMAN lived for the last 19 years at 87-92 139th street, Jamaica.
She leaves two sons, Richmond and Theodore; and her mother, Mrs. Margaret
Services will be held at the Clarence F. SIMONSON Funeral Home, 119-04
Hillside avenue, Richmond Hill, at 8:30 P.M. tomorrow. The Rev. J. Allison
MACRURY, pastor of the Woodhaven Presbyterian Church, and the Rev. Egbert C.
MACKLIN, of Victoria Congregational Church, Jamaica, will officiate.
Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
24 March 1944
page 6:
MEEHAN - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Martin MEEHAN of 114-08 Newburg street, St.
Albans, at Park Hospital.
COURSON - A son to Mr. and Mrs. John COURSON of 187-32 91st avenue, Hollis,
at Park Hospital.
OTT - A son to Mr. and Mrs. John OTT of 119-30 237th street, St. Albans, at
Park Hospital.
RUSTMANN - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry RUSTMANN of 89-15 102nd street,
Richmond Hill, at Park Hospital.
LAMMERS - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward LAMMERS of 169-09 118th avenue,
Jamaica, at Park Hospital.
LYONS - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Laurence LYONS of 116-57 Farmers avenue,
St. Albans, at Park Hospital.
WARNER - A daughter to Corp. and Mrs. George WARNER of 136-32 Hook Creek
boulevard, Rosedale, at Park Hospital.
KIRWIN - A son to Mr. and Mrs. Martin KIRWIN of 3 Irving street, Valley
Stream, at Park Hospital.
DECKER - A daughter to Capt. And Mrs. John DECKER, of 126-27 219th street,
Springfield, at Park Hospital.
CLIFFORD - A son to Mr. and Mrs. John CLIFFORD of 190-09 122nd avenue, St.
Albans, at Park Hospital.
DEGREE - A son to Mr. and Jrs. Darwin DEGREE of 144-22 223rd street,
Laurelton, at Park Hospital.
RILEY - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank RILEY of 224-33 Edgewood avenue,
Laurelton, at Park Hospital.
BESEMER - A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alden BESEMER of 189-18 Linden
boulevard, St. Albans, at Park Hospital.
6 February 1960
Saturday: page 2
MADISON - Louise on February 5, 1960. See Louise EICHINGER Notice. In these
MASTRANGELO - Mary (nee VILLANI), on February 4, 1960. Devoted wife of
Joseph, beloved mother of Frank, Phyllis HERL and Arthur. Also survived by six
brothers, three sisters and three grandchildren. Funeral from The Jamaica
Chapel of Thomas M. Quinn & Sons, 165-20 Hillside avenue, on Monday, 9:30 A.M.
Solemn requiem mass Church of the Incarnation, 10 A.M. Interment St. John's
McNALLY - William H., retired NYFD, on February 5, 1960. Beloved husband of
Anne M., devoted father of Marie HERMAN, Elizabeth DUANE, Veronica McNALLY,
Cecelia BRACKMANN, Loretta LYNCH, Margaret BENTLEY, Anne DORR, Dorothy KOCH,
Kathryn GISIGER, Patricia NEARY, John L., William J. and Thomas J. McNALLY; dear
brother of Patrick E. McNALLY. Also survived by thirty-six grandchildren.
Reposing at the Stutzmann Funeral Home, 224-39 Jamaica avenue, Queens Village,
L.I. until Monday, 8:30 A.M. Solemn requiem mass at St. Anne's R.C. Church,
Garden City, 9 A.M. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery.
MEAGHER - Herbert F. (Sandy), on February 43, 1960. Husband of Catherine;
dear father of Robert, James, William, Ralph, Patricia, John and Joseph; dear
son of Nellie and Ralph DAVENPORT; brother of Eileen MEYER and Ralph. Reposing
at the Queens Abbey Funeral Home, 196-20 Hollis avenue, Hollis. Requiem mass
11 A.M., St Joachim & Anne R.C. Church, Monday 11 A.M. Interment Long Island
National Cemetery.
MILLER - Mary K. (nee LUDWIG), on February 4, 1960. Beloved wife of the late
Frank J. MILLER, devoted mother of Ethel E. KNEFF, Marion M. FLANDERS,
Florence J. BUCK, Margaret J. and the late Charles J. MILLER. Also survived by
three grandchildren and one great-grandson. Reposing at the Leo F. Kearns Funeral
Home, 61-40 Woodhaven Boulevard at Dry Harbor Road, Rego Park. Funeral
Monday, 9:30 a.m. Solemn mass of requiem St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 10 a.m.
Interment St. John's Cemetery.
MUELLER - Frank J. on February 3, 1960. Age 74 years. Beloved brother of
Emma C. MUELLER, Madeline DETSCHER, Mary SEYFRIED and Caroline SCHEINER. Funeral
Monday, 9:30 a.m. from the Peter J. Geis Funeral Home, 57-34 Catalpa Ave.
(corner Onderdonk Ave.), Ridgewood. Solemn high requiem mass St. Matthias R.C.
Church, 10 a.m. Interment Most Holy Trinity Cemetery. Visiting hours 1 to 10
p.m. Member of Holy Name Society.
o'CONNOR - Edward, of Glen Cove on Feb. 4, 1960, beloved husband of M. Carle
o'CONNOR, dear father of Deirdre and Daryl o'CONNOR, brother of Eileen
O'CONNELL. Friends may call at the Funeral Home of Dodge-Thomas, Inc., 26 Franklin
Ave., Glen Cove. Notice of funeral later. In lieu of flowers, contributions
to the St. Columbin's Foreign Missionary Society, St. Columbin's, Nebraska,
will be greatly appreciated.
SMITH - Albert J. on February 4, 1960. Beloved husband of Helen, and devoted
father of Pauline KRUSCH and Henry, John and Everett SMITH. Reposing at the
Bushwick Funeral Home, 1178 Bushwick avenue, Brooklyn. Religious and Masonic
services Sunday, 8 P.M. Funeral Monday, 10 A.M. Interment Cypress Hills
STATUTO - Theodore, beloved father of Angela SOLANO and David, also survived
by four grandchildren. Reposing Cassese Funeral Home, 101-07 101st Avenue,
Ozone Park. Funeral Monday, 9 A.M. Solemn mass of requiem Nativity B.V.M. R.
C. Church, 9:30 A.M. Interment St. John's Cemetery.
TIBBALL - Amelia, beloved mother of Elva RYAN and Gussie REY, also survived
by fifteen grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren. Reposing at HULSER
FUNERAL HOME, 6315 Jericho Tpke., Commack ,L.I. until Monday, 1 P.M.
Interment Cypress Hills Cemetery.
TUCK - August, of 1685 Roosevelt street, Baldwin, on Thursday, February 4,
1960. Beloved wife of Charles E. TUCK, devoted mother of Charles A., W. Leslie
and Kenneth J. TUCK. Also survived by four grandchildren. Reposing at
Weigand Bros. Funeral Home, 2283 Grand avenue, Baldwin, where the family will
receive friends from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. on Saturday. Services at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Sunday, 3 P.M.
WAGNER - Paul J., suddenly on February 5, 1960. Beloved husband of Elsie,
dear father of Raymond and Robert WAGNER, dear son of Louise WAGNER. Services
at KAISER & KOOS FUNERAL HOME, 87-20 Woodhaven boulevard, Sunday, 8 P.M.
Interment Monday, Evergreen Cemetery, 2 P.M.
WHEELER - Emily, of 561 Latham road, Mineola, on Thursday, February 4, 1960.
Beloved mother of Mabel and Laurene TEUBNER and Margaret WHEELER, dear sister
of Mabel DREW and Jessie NAMER, loving grandmother of Juliet TEUBNER.
Reposing at Weigand Bros. Funeral Home, 49 Hillside avenue, Williston Park.
Services Sunday, 8 P.M. Funeral Monday, 10 A.M. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery.
WHITMORE - Michael E., suddenly at Tampa, Florida, on February 1, 1960,
formerly of Hollis. Beloved husband of Essa, brother of Mabel OSMUN, uncle of
Janet HEINS. Also survived by two grandnephews. Services at the Quenzer Hollis
Funeral Home, Hillside avenue, at 187 place, Hollis, Sunday 8 P.M. Interment
Chambersburg, Pa.
7 January 1962
page 13C: Sunday
Mary Louise CUMMINGS, Formerly of 1868 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn. Beloved
wife of Harold. Devoted mother of Lorraine, Christine and Roger.
Funeral from Chapel, 182 Wyckoff avenue, Brooklyn, Monday.
High mass St. Matthias R.C. Church, 9:30 A.M.
Interment L.I. National Cemetery. Vitale Funeral Home, Director.
Harry Leeds DAYTON at Flushing, N. Y. on Friday January 5, 1962. Beloved
husband of Margaret TALLMAN, father of Anne DAYTON KOENIG and John N. DAYTON,
brother of J. Wilson, D. Lacy and Walter S. DAYTON, also survived by 4
Services at the Chapel of Flushing Cemetery 163rd street & 46th avenue,
Flushing, N.Y. on Tuesday January 9. Reposing at the Cemetery
Chapel. Visiting hours 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. Sunday and Monday.
Wasyl DELAWSKI on January 6, 1962 of Flushing, L. I. Beloved husband of
Sophie, loving father of Helen WILLIAMS, Peter and Michael DELAWSKI, dear
grandfather of Drew WILLIAMS, William M. and Barbara DELAWSKI.
Reposing at the HALLETT HOMESTEAD 147 street and Northern boulevard, Flushing.
Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Wednesday 10 A.M.
Mildred DOOR on January 6, 1962. Devoted sister of Violet, William and
George DORR. Services at N. F. Walker Funeral Home, 87-34 80 street, Woodhaven,
Tuesday 8 P.M. Funeral Wednesday 1:30 P.M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery
Mary T. DOWLING of 11811 222 street, Cambria Heights, L.I. on January 6,
1962. Devoted sister of James J., Thomas F., and Genevieve.
Reposing at the Joyce Bros. Funeral Home, 201-20 Linden boulevard corner
210 place, St. Albans, L.I. until Tuesday 9:15 A.M.
Solemn requiem mass 9:45 A.M. Sacred Heart R.C. Church.
Interment St. Johns Cemetery.
Charles T. ENGELHARDT, 1703 Palmetto street, on January 5, 1962, age 73
years. Survived by brother, William and sisters, Elizabeth ENGELHARDT and Carrie
CONDON. Funeral from Peter J. Geis Funeral Home, 57-34 Catalpa avenue,
Ridgewood, N.Y. Wednesday 9 A.M. Solemn high requiem mass St. Brigid's R.C.
Church, 9:30 A.M. Interment Most Holy Trinity Cemetery. Masses appreciated.
Alexander FABIAN, of Long Island City. Reposing Thomas M. Quinn & Sons
Funeral Home, 35-20 Broadway, until Monday, 12:30 P.M.
Rose FLORO on Friday, January 5, 1962. Beloved wife of Frank, devoted mother
of Bruno, Salvatore, Mrs. Agnes MOTT, Mrs. Mary SONNENFELD and Mrs. Ann
SANTELLI, Mrs. Florence BROSNAN. Also survived by 12 grandchildren.
Funeral ..[rest cut off]
Dominick LONGO, of 107-04 Waltham street, Jamaica. Beloved husband of
Angelina, loving father of Rose SOKOLOWSKI, Alexander, Dolores HARNEY and
Dominick. Also six grandchildren. Reposing at the Neil A. SORRENTINO
Funeral Home, 146-02 Liberty avenue, Jamaica, until Monday, 9 A.M.
Requiem mass St Pius V, 9:30 A.M. Interment St. Charles Cemetery.
Raymond P. MAGEE, of 185 Atlantic avenue, Lynbrook, on Thursday, Jan. 4,
1962. Beloved husband of the late Mabel V. MAGEE, devoted father of Ann WALL,
Joan PATTERSON, LeRoy MAGEE and Walter SKINNER. Dear brother of Maude BEDELL and
James T. MAGEE. Also survived by 13 grandchildren. Reposing at Weigand Bros.
Funeral Home, 2283 Grand avenue, Baldwin. Service Sunday 8 P.M. Funeral
Monday, 10 A.M. Interment Rockville Cemetery, Lynbrook.
George MAIER on January 6, 1962. Beloved husband of the late Rosina, devoted
father of George, Anna, Elsie, Louis and Barbara, also survived by
grandchildren. Funeral from Dirkes Funeral Home, 60-01 69th avenue, Ridgewood.
Services Tuesday. Interment will follow at Huntington Rural Cemetery,
Huntington, L.I.
Madeline MAJUK on January 6, 1962 of 5 Milton lane, Syosset, formerly of
N.Y.C. Wife of the late Anthony, mother of Frances DE CARLO, Ruth BEYER, Lillian
MAJUK, William, Marion MOORE and Helen ROSS; also 11 grandchildren. Reposing
at the Beney Funeral Home, 79 Berry Hill road, Syosset. Solemn requiem mass
St. Edward's R.C. Church, Syosset, 10 A.M., Tuesday, January 9th. Interment
Calvary Cemetery, Queens.
Jennie H. McQUOID, on Jan. 4 1962, of Valley Stream, L.I. Wife of the late
Kenneth McQUOID. Also survived by several cousins. Reposing at the Moore
Funeral Home, 54 West Jamaica avenue, Valley Stream, L.I. Religious services
Sunday at 8 P.M. Interment Monday, Cold Spring Cemetery, Cold Spring, New York.
Biagio A. MEOLA of 732 Park avenue, Uniondale, N.Y. on January 6, 1962.
Beloved husband of Margaret, loving father of Sylvester, Anthony and William,
devoted son of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony MEOLA, dear brother of Mrs. Peter MAISANO, Mrs.
Matthew CANNON, Mrs. Nicholas LEACOMA, Matteo, Louis, Rocco, Daniel, Vito,
Thomas and Joseph MEOLA, also survived by 3 grandchildren. Reposing at the
Hartnett Funeral Home, 148 Greenwich street, Hempstead, N.Y. Solemn high requiem
mass at St. Martha's R.C. Church, Uniondale on Wednesday January 10 at 9:30 A.M.
Interment following at St. Charles Cemetery, Pinelawn, N.Y.
Louise Agnes MITCHELL of 23-38 27 street, Astoria on January 6, 1962.
Beloved mother of George V., Mae GALLAGHER and Sarah CANTILLOW. Reposing
at .....[rest cut off]
18 May 1964
Margorie DONOVAN on May 16, 1964. Beloved daughter of the late George and
Anna, dear sister of George Jr. Reposing at the McCourt & Trudden Funeral Home,
130-02 Liberty avenue, Richmond Hill until 9 A.M. Wednesday; then to St.
Teresa of Avila RC. Church where a solemn requiem mass will be offered at 9:30 A.M.
Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
Josephine FLAD (nee McLEVDZE) on May 17, 1964. Beloved wife of Fred U.,
devoted mother of Fred of Valley Stream, L.I., Edward of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. and
Mrs. Florence BRICK of Hyde Park, N.Y., loving sister of Mrs. Rose LAMBERT of
Saddle River, N.J., also survived by seven grandchildren. Reposing at ROSEDALE
FUNERAL HOME, 245-01 Francis Lewis boulevard (at Sunrise highway), Rosedale,
L.I. Solemn requiem mass Wednesday 9:45 A.M., St. Clare's R.C. Church.
Interment Long Island National Cemetery.
Andrfew GUSTAFSON on May 16, 1964. Beloved husband of Mabel, devoted father
of Lillian GUSTAFSON and Dorothy SCHNELL. Also survived by two granddaughters.
Reposing at the Simonson Funeral Home, 119-04 Hillside avenue, Richmond
Hill. Services Wednesday at 11 A.M. with interment to follow in Maple Grove
Francis J. HAMMOND on May 16, 1964. Beloved husband of Carmela (SANTONNCITO),
loving father of Frances GOYENA, Grace and Albert HAMMOND; also survived by
four grandchildren. Reposing at the Jamaica Chapel of Thomas M. Quinn & Sons,
165-20 Hillside avenue until Tuesday, 2 P.M. Religious services Monday
evening, 8:45 P.M. Interment Prospect Cemetery.
Judson C. HASKELL of St. James, L.I., formerly of Richmond Hill, suddenly on
May 16, 1964. Devoted brother of Bessie and Merritt HASKELL. Funeral
services 9 P. M., Tuesday, May 19 at O. R. DAVIS FUNERAL HOME, 31 Landing avenue,
Smithtown, L.I. Interment 11 A.M. Wednesday Greenfield Cemetery, Hempstead, L.I.
Vincent A. McLAUGHLIN, on May 17, 1964, of 13 Rutrers place, Merrick, L.I.
Beloved husband of Teresa, father of Rosemary, Paul, Irene, Laura, Vincent,
Kenneth, Teresa, Christina, Virginia and Richard. Brother of Isabelle SELLINGER
and Marcella FARRELL and Hugh, Charles and Harvey McLAUGHLIN. Reposing at the
Hungerford & Clark Funeral Home, corner of South Ocean avenue & Pine street,
Freeport, L.I. until Wednesay at 9 A.M., thence to the Cure of Ars R. C.
Church where a high requiem mass will be offered at 9:30 A. M. Interment L. I.
National Cemetery, Pinelawn, L.I. In lieu of flowers, masses appreciated.
Patrick E. McNALLY (Retired) NYFD, on May 17, 1964. Beloved husband of Alice
K. Funeral from the FAIRCHILD CHAPEL, 220-05 Hillside avenue, Queens Village.
Solemn requiem mass at Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church, Queens Village, Wednesday.