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Brooklyn Daily Eagle
22 July 1889

DUNNE - Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Dunne are spending the summer at the 
Prospect House, Bayshore.

ROCHE - There is no more efficient or upright member of the detective force in 
this town than Detective Roche.  Mr. Roche is a man who goes right ahead in what 
seems to him to be the path of duty and ignores the petty jealouses that too 
often mar the character of followers of his profession.

NAUGHTON - Mr. James W. Naughton, Engineer of the Construction Depart-ment of 
the Board of Education, is an estimable gentleman and a true and streadfast friend.  
This is conceded not only by his friends, but by many whose opinions are not at 
all inclined to a favorable complexion.

VAN ANDEN - Mr. William M. Van Anden, of the EAGLE, is keeping bachelor's hall 
at his cottage at Islip while his family are traveling in Canada.

TOLFREE - Paymaster James E. Tolfree, who was recently appointed General 
Storekeeper of the Navy Yard, is one of the most gentlemanly men in the service, 
and is highly respected by all who know him.

PHILLIPS - Major Chapin's hard-working and obliging secretary, Mr. D. B. Phillips, 
has confined his summer outings thus far to occasional visits to Manhattan Beach 
and other near-by resorts.

PRESTON - At the Cenral Single Tax Club, 56 Livingston street, last evening, 
Mr. Thomas B. Preston, one of the editors of the New York Herald and a nephew of 
Monsignor Preston, delivered a lecture on "Socialism and the Single Tax."

WALSH - Mrs. Marie Walsh, of No. 31 South Elliott place, is engaged in the composition 
of a new drama which she thinks will overtop anything she has so far produced.

HOWARD - The many friends of Mr. William Howard, chief clerk to the Supervisor-at-large, 
will be glad to learn that the severe wound upon his hand is almost healed.  
"Billy" bathes it with the milk of human kindness, thus preventing possible 
blood-poisoning, and is now no longer obliged to hold his pen is his teeth.

SATCHELL - Fidelis Council, No. 1137, A. L. of H., has one of the most 
energetic of secretaries.  His name is Mr. W. E. Satchell, and he is one of 
the best informed men upon matters connected with the order in this city.

BELLOWS - The jolly and genteel U. S. Commissioner, Mr. Henry S. Bellows, 
will take occasional outings during this and next month, joining his family, 
who are already located at Short Beach, a few miles from New Haven, Conn.

BUCKHOLTZ - Mrs. George Buckholtz, wife of Sergeant Buckholtz,o he Fourteenth 
precinct, with her son George, is passing the summer in Sullivan County.  
Master George, who was in poor health throughout the spring, is deriving much 
benefit from the mountain air of Sullivan.

CARROLL - That genial Circuit Court clerk, Mr. Joseph W. Carroll, is now 
officiating in the Supreme Court in the place of Clerk Merchant, who is away 
on his vacation.  When not absorbed in his duties Mr. Carroll is a close 
listener to the argument in the various litigations, but it has been noticed 
that he has a decided objection to and frowns upon divorce cases.

McWILLIAMS - Mr. Daniel W. McWilliams, the present Treasurer of the Manhattan 
Elevated Railroad Company of New York, was formerly a broker doing business 
on Wall street.  Mr. McWilliams is active in Christian affiars of the 
Y.W.C.A., both as a director and a leader in all its meetings in speaking and 
doing, and is universally respected as an unright Christian gentleman.

HOLLOWAY -  Mrs. Laura C. Holloway, through whose instincts and a desire to 
elevate the race was formed the Seidi Society, by whose entertainment many a 
poor, weary woman's heart is made to leap again in joy, is a lady of many 
vitrues, from who mind it would be but natural to expect such an idea to 

SMITH - Some people talk philanthrophy, others think how philanthropic they 
would be if they could only afford it, and others are actively philanthropic. 
 To the last-mentioned class the Rev. A. D. Smith, of this city, belongs, and 
among his rewards are the gratitude and love of hundreds of little children 
to whose health and happiness he has contributed as the manager of the 
Brooklyn branch of the TRIBUNE Fresh Air Fund. 

WALKLEY - Among the causes for the habitual air of serenity and contentment 
characteristic of the District Attorney is the fact that he is free from the 
bother of office detail, owing to the efficiency of his chief clerk, A. H. 
Walkley.  This gentlemen is a recognized exponant of what are called business 
principles, and as a consequence business relations with him are of a 
satisfactory and agreeable venture.

Transcribed by :
Marion Sinnott