A women's patriotic society, organized in New York City in 1890,
incorporated in 1891, and having for its purposes the collection of
manuscripts, traditions, relics and mementos of Colonial and Revolutionary
times, and the commemoration of the success of the Revolutionary War.
Membership in the society proceeds by invitation, and is restricted to women
who are directly descended from some ancestor of distinction who came to
reside in an American colony before 1776. This society was the first
organization of women to be founded for patriotic purposes, and now has
chapters in New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore.

COLONIAL WARS, Society of.
   A patriotic society, organized in New York City in 1893. It consists of a
general society made up of general officers and of delegates from the
various State societies as follows, in the order of their institution: New
York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, District of
Columbia, New Jersey, Virginia, New Hampshire, Vermont, Illinois, Missouri,
Ohio, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kentucky, California, Colorado, Iowa, Georgia,
Michigan, Wisconsin, Delaware, Rhode Island, Washington, and Maine. The
various State societies have, for their general object, to perpetuate the
memory of Colonial events, and of the men who, in military, naval,  and
civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts of counsel
assisted in the establishment, defense, and preservation of the American
Colonies. With this end in view, they seek to collect and preserve records
of every kind relating to the Colonial period of American history and to
inspire in their members the fraternal and patriotic spirit of those who
made American freedom and unity possible. They admit to membership male
descendants of those who assisted in the establishment, defense, and
preservation of the American Colonies. The publications of the general
society include general registers and historical papers and registers by the
various local societies. The general society has caused the erection of a
monument at Louisburg, on Cape Breton Island, and memorial tablets have been
placed by the New York society on the sites of Fort Oswego and Fort
Ticonderoga. The membership is about 4000.

Source:  The New International Encyclopaedia
Copyright:  1902, 1903, 1904, 1905
Publisher:  Dodd, Mead and company--New York
Volumes:  Total of 21 volumes
Transcribed by Miriam Medina