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Starting from Leonard and Moore Streets to Metropolitan Avenue, Moore, Siegel, McKibbin Streets and Johnson Avenue, etc., the curbs were lined with ailanthus trees. Siegel Street between Broadway and Leonard St, McKibbin, Boerum, Scholes, Stagg and Ten Eyck Streets, between Lorimer Street and Graham Ave, were the beauty spots. Most of the dwelling, 2 story frame structures built on the rear of the lots. On the front portion of the lots all kinds of flowers were cultivated, the rear end vegetables were grown, which in many cases were sufficient for a family's needs. In the centre of these plots were paths leading to the stoop of the house. In many cases these paths were as carefully laid as the garden, covered with pebbles, the sides were covered with clam shells and all kept as clean as though they were polished. Among The most beautiful spots might be mentioned: the old Friends Church on McKibben Street between Manhattan Avenue and Leonard Street with entrance on Siegel Street and old Poppy JONES' place. JONES was retired, he had been at one time connected witn the old McKIBBEN estate. This was across the street, the grounds were about 150 x 100 feet covered with heavy undergrowth of scrubs. Along the rear fences were raspberry and blackberry bushes and fruit trees. Along the curb were old ailanthus trees. Another country place was at Ten Eyck Street & Union Avenue. This place had, like Poppy JONES' place, many trees, but was cultivated. Vegetables were raised here by the ROBERTS' famiy. He was a dwarft and always wore a peak cap. In cases of a fire a hose carriage came down from Graham Ave. Ailanthus trees were brought to here from China about 1840, they were said to absorb or dispel miasmatic influence and gradually the streets in the swamps were bountifully adorned with these trees. PHILLIPS Opera House, kept by Louis PHILLIP, seats in the Negro Heaven were ten cents, BAUMGARTNER'SMilitary Hall, Saenger Hall, Empire Hall and LIEDERKRANZ Hall. During spring tides the Newtown creek and the Wallabout used to meet at Bushwick Avenue, there often was water on both sides of the street. The target companies of Williamsburgh used to hold their annual shoot at SCHIELLEIN'S Park on Atlantic Avenue, East New York. The largest companies of the 16th Ward which would turn out in the fall were as follows: Pat DUGAN Light Guard at Morrell Street and Flushing Avenue H. P. S. C. at Flushing Avenue and Morrell Street Martin GORMAN Light Guard at Cook and Morrell Streets Felix DEVLIN Light Guard at Morrell and Debevoise Streets The Knights of Street Nicholas Club at Boerum Street The old time Undertakers were: SCHLITZ, STEINMETZ, SAUNDER, PETH, ROEMMELE, John SNYDER & HAMILTON In the 16th Ward, SCHLITZ buried the Germans and ROONEY the Irish. Back to EASTERN DISTRICT Main Back to TOWN Main Page Back to STREETS Main Back to BROOKLYN Main