RECORDS AVAIABLE on MICROFILM from the (FHC)..Family History Center

CLICK HERE: LDS LIBRARY CATALOGUE Scroll down after the explanations and there is a listing for all the Vitals and what they have on microfilm. The LDS (or Mormon) Church has been microfilming genealogical records for many years - there are several million reels by now and more added daily. The records are NOT only of Mormons - but cover all nationalities, religious and racial backgrounds. These records were filmed in accordance with their religious beliefs, to help church members identify their ancestors. HOWEVER, all these records are available to the public at any Family History Center (FHC). The only cost involved is the minimal shipping charge (approx. $3.75 per reel) to order a specific film from Salt Lake City where they are kept, to the local FHC you are visiting. It will then be held at your local FHC for one month for you to use there. Each FHC does have a permanent collection and you may not have to order the reel you need. Thanks to the RETURN to VITALS MAIN RETURN to BROOKLYN MAIN