NEW YORK STATE LIBRARIES CITY DIRECTORIES & SELECTED TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES ON MICROFILM AND MICROFICHE City Directories on microfilm or microfiche and selected Telephone Books on microfilm are filed in cabinets in the 7th floor Microforms Area. City Directories and Telephone Books do not circulate, but are available for use on-site. BROOKLYN, NY: 1822 - 1826, 1829 - 1860/61 (fiche); There are two sets of microfilm: 1796, 1802/03, 1811/12, 1822 - 1910, (1911 not published), 1912 - 1913, (1914 - 1932 not published), 1933/34 1861 - 1902 BROOKLYN, NY TELEPHONE BOOKS: 1934 - 1970, 1972 - 1974 (film) The Brooklyn Public Library: 718-230-2100 Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn Public Library NYC Municipal Archives: 31 Chambers St.Brooklyn,NY.USA have these Directories also. These directories are a wonderfully surprising place to find out info on your ancestors.They tell name/address/and occupation.They also have a "yellow pages" type directory,for listing by subject. Ex:Liquor Dealers/Basket Makers/Flour Merchants etc. NOTE:For those who have not used the city directory microfiche, please remember the dates when various municipalities joined Brooklyn as a political jurisdiction. Check the microfiche for directories under the neighborhood's name, in the years it was an independent municipality. For instance, Williamsburgh, apparently did not come under Brooklyn jurisdiction until 1855, because I have my Williamsburgh ancestors on the Williamsburgh microfiche from 1847 to 1854, after which they appear on the Brooklyn fiche.QUEENS BOROUGH PUBLIC LIBRARY Long Island Division 89-11 Merrick Boulevard Jamaica, New York 11432 718-990-0770 Queens Borough Public Library BROOKLYN DIRECTORIES-FHL US/CAN Fiche Numbers BROOKLYN DIRECTORIES Fiche NAME OF DIRECTORY YEAR FHL US/CAN Fiche Qty of Fiche Alden Spooner 1822 6043677 1 Alden Spooner 1823 6043678 1 Alden Spooner 1824 6043679 1 Alden Spooner 1825 6043680 1 Alden Spooner 1826 6043681 2 Alden Spooner 1829 6043682 2 Lewis Nichols 1830 6043683 2 Lewis Nichols 1831 6043684 2 William Bigelow 1832/33 6043685 2 Nichols & Delaree 1833/34 6043686 2 - 1834/35 6043687 2 Lewis Nichols 1835/36 6043688 2 Lewis Nichols 1836/37 6043689 2 - 1837/38 6043690 2 A.G.Stevens 1838/39 6043691 3 - 1839/40 6043692 2 - 1840/41 6043693 5 Thos Leslie & John W Leslie 1841/42 6043694 6 Thos Leslie, Henry R, Wm. Hearne 1843/44 6043695 4 Henry R, Wm J Hearne &E. Van Nostrand 1844/45 6043696 4 Henry R, & Wm J Hearne 1845/46 6043697 5 Silas H Crowell 1845/46 6043698 2 Wm J Hearne &Edwin Van Nostrand 1846/47 6043699 2 Wm J Hearne &James E. Webb 1847/48 6043700 5 Henry R, & Wm J Hearne 1848/49 6043701 6 E.B. Spooner 1848/49 6043702 7 Henry R, & Wm J Hearne 1849/50 6043703 7 Henry R, & Wm J Hearne 1850/51 6043704 7 Henry R, & Wm J Hearne 1851/52 6043705 8 Hearns 1852/53 6043706 8 Hearns 1853/54 6043707 10 Hearns 1854/55 6043708 9 Smith 1854/55 6043709 10 Smith 1855/56 6043710 10 Hope & Henderson 1856/57 6043711 10 Smith 1856/57 6043712 8 Lain & Co 1857/58 6043713 9 Adams & Sampson 1858/59 6043714 1 Lain & Co 1858/59 6043715 9 Lain & Co 1859/60 6043716 9 Boyd's 1860 6043717 2 Lain & Co 1860/61 6043718 9 The rest of them are on film Title: Brooklyn city directory (Lains) City directories, 1841, 1856-1861. Film 1000703 City directories, 1862-1869. Film 1000704 City directories, 1870-1871. Film 1000705 City directories, 1873-1877. Film 1000706 City directories, 1878-1881. Film 1000707 City directories, 1882-1884. Film 1000708 City directories, 1885-1886. Film 1000709 City directories, 1887-1889. Film 1000710 City directories, 1890-1891. Film 1000711 City directories, 1892-1893. Film 1000712 City directories, 1894-1895. Film 1000713 City directories, 1896-1897. Film 1000714 City directories, 1898-1899. Film 1000715 City directories, 1900. Film 1000716 Lain & Co 1861/62 1376591. Lain & Co 1862/63 1376591. Lain & Co 1863/64 1376591. Lain & Co 1864/65 1376592. Lain & Co 1865/66 1376592. Lain & Co 1866/67 1376592. Lain & Co 1868/69 1376593. Lain & Co 1869/70 1376594. Lain & Co 1870/71 1376594. Lain & Co 1871/72 1376595. Lain & Co 1872/73 1376595. Lain & Co 1873/74 1376596. Lain & Co 1874/75 1376596. Lain & Co 1875/76 1376597. Lain & Co 1876/77 1376597. Lain & Co 1877/78 1376598. Lain & Co 1878/79 1376598. Lain & Co 1879/80 1376599. Lain & Co 1880/81 1376600. Lain & Co 1881/82 1376600. Lain & Co 1882/83 1376601. Lain & Co 1883/84 1376601. Lain & Co 1884/85 1376602. Lain & Co 1885/86 1376602. Lain & Co 1886/87 1376603. Lain & Co 1887/88 1376603. Lain & Co 1888/89 1376604. Lain & Co 1889/90 1376604. Lain & Co 1890/91 1376605. Lain & Co 1891/92 1376606. Lain & Co 1892/93 1376606. Lain & Co 1893/94 1376607. Lain & Co 1894/95 1376608. Lain & Co 1895/96 1376608. Lain & Healy 1896/1897 1376609. Lain & Healy 1897/1898 1376610. Lain & Healy 1898/1899 1376611. Lain & Healy 1899/1900 1376612. Lain & Healy 1900/01 1376613. George Upington 1901/02 1376614. George Upington 1902 1929154. George Upington 1903 1929154. George Upington 1904 1929155. George Upington 1905 1929155. George Upington 1906 1929156. George Upington 1907 1929157. George Upington 1909 1929158. George Upington 1910 1929158. George Upington 1912 1929159. Polks Brooklyn City Directory 1933/34 1929161 A- Mininson, Nathan Polks Brooklyn City Directory 1933/34 1929162. Minio, Anna-end 1842/43 Not published 1911 Not published 1914-1932 Not published NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY (Thanks to Stefanie Penna) City and telephone directories that the library has in its collection. NYPL's collection of city directories includes those up to 1933-34, when the city stopped publishing them. They are located at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library's Milstein Division of U.S. History, Local History and Genealogy (476 5th Ave. at 42nd St.), tel. 212-930-0828, There is also a database called City Directories of the United States, which includes retrospective residential and business listings for 99 U.S. cities. This database is available only at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library, the Library for the Performing Arts (40 Lincoln Center Plaza at 65th St.), The Science, Industry and Business Library (188 Madison Ave. at 34th St.) and the Mid-Manhattan Library (455 5th Ave. at 40th St.). The Humanities and Social Sciences Library has N.Y.C. telephone directories from the 19th century until the present in addition to a backfile from 1976 of national telephone directories. Current national telephone directories are available on microfiche at The Science, Industry and Business Library and the Mid-Manhattan Library's General Reference department.
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